Chapter Five - The Trouble with Schools these Days (::)

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Five minutes into the terrible mushy romance show Spitfire was showing them, Hurry gave up trying to watch it and stuck with reading the redhead's diary, instead. But her diary was just as bad as the show that the girls were watching. She somehow made life seem like a really crappy TV series.

This morning, I ate toast. I didn't finish all of it as when I was halfway through eating it, I dropped it on the floor and had to clean it up :(

Also, Bones looked at me during close combat training. SQUEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy, I put all my tacos in bubble wrap because I felt like it!!!!!

It went on like that page, after page, after page. Hurry knew that he would never understand that girl. He was sure that she had her reasons for being that degree of weird, but to be honest, he'd barely spoken to her before it was announced that Cathleen would be her roommate.

Cathleen herself looked like she was about to slip into a coma. She stared out the window at the light, grassy meadow outside that seemed to stretch on forever with a distant look in her stormy blue eyes.

What was so special about her? The way that Foxx, Vixxen and Specter talked about her, anyone would have thought that she was prone to unexpectantly exploding or something of equal destructiveness. But so far, she just appeared to be a normal girl.

Well, no one was really normal here.

As she was nether screaming, nor throwing things around, she was either perfectly fine with being kidnapped by a bunch of teenagers or she was planning something. He wasn't too worried though, he doubted that she'd try to do anything too drastic in a strange place.

"No..." Spitfire breathed, reaching out and pawing at the computer screen as if what was going on actually mattered, "Don't let them steal your boyfriend... Don't..." Her eyes widened and she screamed, "You bastard!"

What was with her? Actually, he didn't think that he wanted to know.

Cathleen groaned and her head dropped to rest on the table. It stayed there for the next ten minutes as Hurry continued to flick through 'Spitfire's Uber Secret Dairy, KEEP OUT!!!1!!1!'. Spitfire herself was too into whatever crap that she was watching to either notice or care about her surroundings.

Finally, Hurry could not take the endless garbage that was contained in the book and hurled the monstrosity at Spitfire's head. She appeared not to notice at all as she was too busy giving loud a commentary about the TV show that she was watching. She only looked away when Cathleen groaned, looked up and muttered, "I think we're all calmed down now."

Hurry jumped at the opportunity, "Yeah, that's enough." He said quickly, "Any more and I think that we'll all die from-" He stopped when the two of them noticed that Spitfire was occupied by gently stroking the computer screen, murmuring soft words of encouragement to the characters.

 "That's our cue to leave." Hurry told her, steering her around the piles of junk toward the door, "Do you want to see the Sort-of Academy or stay here?"

"Academy." Said Cathleen at once, shoving open the door and at once slammed it shut when the cold air from outside hit her like a tsunami. "Why is it so cold?" she demanded.

"Is this a trick question?" Hurry asked her skeptically. He got too many questions wrong when they turn out to be tricks.


He shrugged, "Well, I don't know then."

She sighed and turned to Spitfire, who was still cooing at the fictional characters on her screen, "Hey, can you lend me a warmer jacket?" She asked. She had to repeat the question three times before Spitfire muttered something about evil boyfriend-stealers.

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