Chapter Three - The Sort-of Academy

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Neither Alex nor Cathleen remembered anything about their mum. Their father told them that she'd left them right after she had Cathleen and that she was an ugly, nagging bimbo who in no way resembles any of her children.

He also told them that in some countries, people to train hard enough can fly without the assistance of aeroplanes, helicopters or wings, so he wasn't exactly the most reliable person out there.

The first thing that Cathleen heard when she was dragged into consciousness was an annoying, upbeat song that rang through the room that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape it.

Alex is watching pornos again... She thought to herself, shoving her pillow over her head in an attempt to block out the noise, Dad won't be happy. Their father was very serious about 'brining his children up correctly' despite the fact that he was barely ever at home.

Lalalalala, Très Sexy! The last few words of the theme song were followed by a loud squealing noise that sounded like a pig being chased an axe-wielding mass murderer. Cathleen wasn't all that surprised, her older brother tended to get very excited over creepy things like porn.

OMG, Josie! Why do you like, think that you're like, better than me? There was a crashing sound and an annoying, high-pitched giggle belonging to whoever was on the TV, Hahaha, you suck!

Best compliments to the scriptwriter and his or her wide range of insults.

"Damn you, Juliet!" Someone in the room exclaimed angrily, "Why do you have to be such a-" Their knowledge on swear words was a lot wider than whatever they were watching.

I may be a nerd, but I'm way better than you!

"Oh my god, Alex." Cathleen goraned groggily, throwing the blanket off her, "What the hell are you-" She broke off when she realized that she was not in her father's apartment after all and at once, her memories of last night came flooding back to her.

The room she was in was about the same size as an average hotel room, its walls were painted a faded light blue and were covered in posters for romantic drama TV shows and movies. Clothes and books were strewn everywhere and a half eaten taco was lying on the floor, wrapped up in clear bubble wrap for some reason.

The lights were off and the white curtains were drawn, darkening the room almost completely. The only source of light came from a laptop computer sitting on a desk in the centre of the room. A young, excited-looking teenage girl was sitting on the table (the chair was buried under a pile of dirty clothes in the corner of the room), intently staring down at the screen that was playing a TV show of some sort and commentating on it with much enthusiasm.

Cathleen dragged herself into a sitting position, exhaustion clouding her mind despite the fact that she'd been asleep for God knows how long. Where the heck was she? The last thing she remembered was that hot guy dressed in black before something made her pass out. Had she been kidnapped? Maybe the other girl in the room was another victim.

But then, she doubted that someone who'd been kidnapped would be happily watching romantic dramas. Maybe the girl worked for the people who'd taken her... But that didn't seem right, either.

The other girl appeared to be too absorbed in her show to notice anything else until Cathleen picked the taco up, pulled the bubble wrap off it and threw it at her.

"Hey!" the girl sounded more surprised than angry as she looked away from her video and stared down at the taco with an unhealthy amount of excitement, "There's my taco! I was wondering where it had gotten to!" she picked up the smashed taco from the floor and dropped it onto the desk, smearing the surface with the filling and then noticed Cathleen, "Hi!"

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