What Are You Doing Here

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April pov

The answering machine picked up once again. April flipped her cell closed yet again. After so much time she still couldn't get in touch of Kiera. At first she thought she had left the reunion with Ash but according to Axel, Ash had left alone. It had been five months since the reunion and she hadn't had a chance to find out what had happened between Kiera and Ash. At first Kiera told her she just needed time to get away from some problems she was having but never said what problems. She didn't give away any reason as to why she and Ash ended or the reason she left so soon.

When they found out that Ash had left, she and Michael had gone looking for her but the Alpha informed them that she had left too. That was when they thought they had left together but Axel told them otherwise. Apparently Ash had an emergency to see to and couldn't stay. They didn't get a chance to question him about it the rest of the week because Karla had been all over him.

It wasn't until two weeks later that she called Kiera but she kept making up excuses about work. She didn't even know anything about Ash's emergency. This made her wonder what had actually happened that day. Yet when she tried to question Kiera further, she had said something about being busy and had to hang up, this left April wondering what Kiera was trying to hide. She hadn't been able to talk to Kiera since then, on account of her not answering her phone.

Ash had been unreachable as well, his helpers were the only ones answering his house phone. They only said he was away on some family matter. In the meantime, Michael had been trying to contact Axel but he had been away on another job. It had been the most frustrating time ever, just waiting to get someone on the phone.

Then about a month ago they finally had luck with Axel and he informed them what he knew. Apparently Kiera had ended their relationship, or whatever they had together, for some other guy. April didn't know who it could have been but that had been what Axel said. Ash on the other hand had left because of his ex wife going into the hospital. Which was a shock to both her and Michael to learn that he had been previously married.

From what Axel said, they hadn't been married longer than a year before it fell apart. Though Ash had been willing to help her out. His ex, Rhonda, had gone into labor the following week and had a girl. Yet Ash was not the father of the child but he had been helping her out until she got back on her feet. Which was just a nice gesture on his side to help her in her time of need.

Now the only person left to talk to was Kiera, and April was going to have to pay her a visit in person if she was going to ever talk to her. Michael was out of town on a job and she didn't want to travel alone. She wondered who she could get to go with her. April paced the room, ticking off names in her head. She heard laughter come from outside and smiled. She was sure Chase would love an excuse to get out of school for the rest of the week.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ash pov

"Get back to the other side. How many times do I have to repeat myself? We need to steer the cattle downhill."

Ash cursed as yet another group of cattle turned back towards the hills. They'd been at it for over two days and they still hadn't rounded up all of the cattle for branding.

"Well with your screaming, your only going to scare the cows and the men. I'm sorry Ash but it would be best if you let us do the job."

Ash pulled on the reins of his horse, turning to see Carlos, trying to read his expression to see if he was serious.

"You know what. Why don't all of you leave and let me do my job!"

All the riders stopped and turned to see what Carlos would do. Carlos nodded his head at the men and they all turned to leave, leaving an angry Ash alone. Ash blew a frustrated breath. He knew he shouldn't have yelled at the men but lately he had been having little patience. Now he would have to either work his ass off trying to round up the hundreds of heads of cattle or swallow his pride and ask the men to help him. Since he wasn't in the mood to be apologizing, he turned back to the cattle.

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