Table For 3 Couples (P5)

229 8 0

Daniel Bryan & Charlotte
John Cena & Paige
Randy Orton & Sonya Deville

Sonya-''So, after I beat Randy in our sparring match, Joel got so excited....that he wanted to wrestle.''

Everyone smiled.

Paige-''That's adorable.''

Charlotte-''So, Joel is showing his interest in wrestling?''

Sonya-''Yeah. But it's too soon.''

Paige-''You have a good point, Sonya. Joel is only 2 years old.''

Daniel-''I'll never be comfortable if Jennifer decides to wrestle.''

Charlotte-''Cause she's a girl?''

Daniel-''No, not at all. Women are incredible athletes.''

Charlotte smiled.

Daniel-''I'm just concerned because of what happened to me.''

Cena-''But you came back from your neck injury.''

Daniel-''I know. But as a father, I don't wanna see my baby girl go through that pain.''

Cena-''I understand.''

Paige-''As parents, we don't want to see our kids go through the same pain that we experienced.''

Randy-''True. But whatever our kids decide to be, all we can do is love & support them.''

Sonya-''That's right.''

Randy-''Too our kids!''

They raised their glasses.

Everyone-''Too our kids!''

They smiled.

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