She Helps Him Win A Match

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Dean & Becky
Becky stood at ringside.

Becky-''Hey, Samoa Joe?!''

Samoa looked at Becky.

Becky-''You couldn't even beat The Man in a match! What makes you think you can beat my man?!''

Samoa-''You better watch your...''

Dean rolled up Samoa Joe in a pinfall and won! Dean slid out of the ring and hugged Becky. Samoa Joe was furious as Becky and Dean kissed on the stage.

Seth & AJ Lee
AJ Lee hit Lio Rush with The Shinning Wizard at ringside which distracted Lashley. Then Seth kicked Lashley in his ribs and delivered a Curb Stomp for the win.

Roman & Natalya
Natalya was arguing with Paul Heyman which distracted Lesnar. Brock turned around only to be Speared by Roman! Reigns won.

Styles & Sasha
Sasha got on the apron and kicked Rowan on the side of his head when the referee wasn't looking. Then AJ Styles hit Rowan with The Phenomenal Forearm for the win.

Finn & Ember
Ember tripped Harper by the ropes causing him to stumble into the Sling Blade! Balor won.

Dolph & Liv
Liv, Ruby & Sarah surrounded the ring to distract Batista. Then Dolph hit Batista with the Zig Zag for the win.

Miz & Alexa
Alexa grabbed Corbin's foot causing him to stumble into the Skull Crushing Finale. The Miz won!

Elias & Bayley
Bayley distracted Jarrett by smashing his guitar on the steel steps. Then Elias hit Jarrett with Drift Away for the win.

Randy & Sonya
Sonya hit Triple H with his own sledgehammer behind the referee's back. Then Randy hit Triple H with the RKO for the win.

Bray & Sarah
The lights went off and when they came back on...Sarah, Liv & Ruby appeared at ringside to distract Undertaker long enough for Bray to hit Sister Abigail. Bray won!

Punk & Brie
Brie got on the apron and punched Jericho when the referee wasn't looking. Then Punk hit Jericho with the GTS for the win.

Kevin & Nikki
Nikki distracted Sheamus by getting on the apron. Then Kevin grabbed Sheamus, hit him with the Pop-Up Powerbomb and won.

Sami & Naomi
Naomi distracted Cesaro by dancing on the announce table at ringside. Then Sami rolled up Cesaro into a pinfall for the win.

Daniel & Charlotte
Charlotte tripped Zack Ryder behind the referee's back. Then Daniel hit Zack with the Running Knee for the win.

Cena & Paige
Paige got on the apron and punched Rusev when the referee wasn't looking. Then Cena hit Rusev with the AA for the win.

Bobby & Renee
Renee got on the apron and slapped Lio Rush behind the referee's back. Then Bobby hit Rush with the Glorious DDT for the win.

Braun & Asuka
Asuka slid into the ring and Superkicked Drew McIntyre while Braun distracted the referee. Asuka got out of the ring and Braun pinned Drew.

Kane & Ruby
Ruby, Liv & Sarah all got on the apron to distract Big Show. Then Kane hit Show with the Choke Slam for the win.

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