Baby Kicks For The First Time

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Dean & Becky

Dean rushed over to Becky.

Dean-''What's wrong? Are you ok? Is the baby ok?''

Becky-''Feel here.''

Becky put Dean's hand on her belly.

Dean-''Oh wow. Is the baby kicking?''

Becky smiled and nodded.

Dean-''Oh my gosh.''

Becky-''That's our girl.''

Dean-''Our little Lass Kicker.''

Dean and Becky kissed.

Seth & AJ Lee

Seth ran over to AJ.

Seth-''Are you ok?''

AJ-''Relax. Feel here.''

AJ put Seth's hand on her belly.

Seth-''Oh my gosh. Is that...?''

AJ nodded.


They smiled.

Roman & Natalya
Natalya-''Alpha, feel here.''

Roman put his hand on Natalya's belly.

Roman-''Wow. His kicking hard.''

Natalya-''That's our boy.''

Roman-''He must be practicing my Drive By move.''

They laughed.

Styles & Sasha
Sasha-''Bulba, feel here.''

Styles put his hand on Sasha's belly.

Styles-''Man, I can never get use to this feeling. I can only imagine how it feels for you.''

Sasha-''It feels incredible.''

They smiled.

Finn & Ember

Finn got there in a flash.

Finn-''I'm here.''

Ember-''Relax. Feel here.''

Finn put his hand on Ember's belly.

Finn-''Is he kicking?''


Finn-''That's my boy!''

They smiled.

Dolph & Liv
Liv quickly walked over to Dolph and put his hand on her belly.

Dolph-''Wow. Is she kicking?''


Dolph-''This is amazing.''

They smiled.

Miz & Alexa
Alexa-''Miz, the baby's kicking!''

Miz ran to Alexa as fast as he could and felt her belly.


Alexa-''Our girl is kicking.''

Miz-''This is incredible.''

Elias & Bayley
Elias was playing his guitar for Bayley & the baby.


Elias-''You ok?''

Bayley put Elias' hand on her belly.

Elias-''Oh my goodness.''

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