His Reaction

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Dean & Becky


Dean picked up Becky and spun her around.

Dean-''Sorry, I shouldn't be spinning you around.''

Becky-''Brawler, I'm fine.''

Dean-''I can't believe this. I love you.''

Becky-''I love you too.''

They kissed.

Seth & AJ Lee

AJ-''Thank you.''

Seth-''Are you 100% sure?''

AJ nodded.

Dean-''Yeah! Our baby brother is gonna be a daddy!''

Seth hugged AJ tightly.

Roman & Natalya
Roman hugged Natalya.

Roman-''This is unbelievable.''

Seth and Dean walked up to them.

Seth-''What's unbelievable?''

Roman-''Natalya is pregnant.''


Natalya-''Thank you.''

Seth-''Yeah, I'm gonna be an uncle!''

Styles & Sasha
Styles picked up Sasha and spun her around.

Styles-''This is great!''

Sasha-''So, you're happy?''

Styles-''Yes. Aren't you?''

Sasha-''More than happy.''

They kissed.

Finn & Ember
Finn-''Are you sure?''


Finn hugged Ember making her full of paint.

Finn-''Yeah! I'm gonna be a dad!''

Ember smiled.

Dolph & Liv

Dolph hugged Liv.

Dolph-''This is fantastic!''

Liv-''I know!''

They kissed.

Miz & Alexa
Miz smiled and kissed Alexa.

Miz-''We are gonna be great parents.''

Alexa-''We are gonna be awesome parents.''

They kissed.

Elias & Bayley
Bayley-''Aren't you gonna say anything?''

Elias-''Am I gonna be a dad?''


Elias hugged Bayley tightly.

Elias-''I'm so happy! I need to write a song about this.''

Bayley smiled.

Randy & Sonya
Sonya-''Randy, please say something?''

Randy-''Oh my gosh. This is great!''

Sonya-''I'm so glad you're happy about this.''

Randy-''Why wouldn't I be? I love you.''

Sonya-''I love you too.''

They kissed.

Bray & Sarah

Sarah nodded.


Bray hugged Sarah and spun her around.

Bray-''This is wonderful!''

Bray and Sarah kissed.

Punk & Brie
Punk-''Are you serious?''

Brie-''Yes. Aren't you happy?''

Punk-''Sorry, I am. It just caught me off guard.''

Punk kissed Brie.

Kevin & Nikki


Kevin-''This is great!''

Kevin and Nikki hugged and kissed.

Sami & Naomi
Sami-''No way!''

Sami hugged Naomi.

Sami-''We're gonna be parents?!''


Sami danced making Naomi smile.

Daniel & Charlotte
Daniel-''Are you 100% sure?''

Charlotte-''Yes. I took multiple tests.''

Daniel-''Yes! Yes! Yes!''

Charlotte smiled and they hugged.

Cena & Paige
Cena was shocked.

Paige-''I know this isn't what you wanted and I...''

Cena kissed Paige.

Cena-''I never thought I wanted this but...Paige, everything is different with you. I couldn't be more happy.''


Cena-''Of course.''

They kissed.

Bobby & Renee
Bobby-''Oh my goodness.''

Bobby looked at Renee in shock.

Bobby-''Are we gonna be parents?''

Renee nodded.

Bobby-''This is glorious!''

Bobby hugged and kissed Renee.

Braun & Asuka
Braun-''Are you sure?''


Braun pulled Asuka onto his lap and hugged her.

Braun-''This is great!''

Asuka-''Braun ready to be dad?''

Braun-''I'm ready.''

They kissed.

Kane & Ruby
Kane-''You are?''

Ruby nodded.

Kane hugged Ruby and spun her around.

Kane-''Yes! We're gonna be parents.''

Ruby smiled at Kane's excitement.

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