He/She Has To Leave On Tour

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Dean & Becky
Dean-''Time for me to go, Becky.''

Becky-''Michaela! Time to say bye to Daddy.''

Michaela walked up to them and Dean kneeled down in front of her.

Michaela-''Do you have to go, Daddy?''

Dean-''I have to, Micky.''

Micheala-''Here. Take Teddy with you.''

Michaela gave Dean the teddy bear she got for her first birthday.

Dean-''Don't you wanna keep Teddy?''

Michaela-''Teddy will keep you warm at night, Daddy.''

Dean smiled. Becky's eyes filled with tears.

Dean-''Thank you. Come here, give me a hug.''

Michaela hugged Dean tightly.

Dean-''I love you.''

Michaela-''Love you too.''

Dean kissed Michaela's cheek. Then Dean stood up and kissed Becky.

Dean-''Love you, Fire.''

Becky-''Love you too. Come home soon.''

Dean smiled at them and left.

Seth & AJ Lee
Seth-''Scott, I gotta go now.''

Scott-''Why can't I go with you?''

Seth-''Cause Daddy has to work. But I'll be back next week, ok?''


Seth-''You gonna be a good boy for Mommy?''


Seth-''That's my boy. Give me a hug.''

AJ smiled as they hugged.

Seth-''Love you, buddy.''

Scott-''Love you too, Dad.''

Seth kissed Scott's head and kissed AJ.

Seth-''Love you, Spider.''

AJ-''Love you too.''

Seth smiled at them and left.

Roman & Natalya
Roman picked up Joshua and hugged him.

Joshua-''Do you have to go, Daddy?''

Roman-''I do. But I'll be home soon.''


Roman kissed Joshua's forehead.

Roman-''I love you.''

Joshua-''Love you too.''

Roman puts Joshua down and kissed Natalya.

Roman-''Love you.''

Natalya-''Love you too. Travel safe.''

Roman smiled at them and left.

Styles & Sasha
Samantha-''You can't go, Daddy.''

Styles-''Why not, Pikachu.''

Samantha-''Because...I brush your hair.''

Sasha smiled.

Samantha-''Who is gonna do it for you?''

Styles-''My hair will be just fine, Pikachu. But you can brush it all day when I get back.''


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