Baby Has Fun With Mom/Dad

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Dean & Becky
Michaela loves laying on Dean's back as he does push-ups. She'll hold on tightly to his tank top as she laughs and Becky finds it so adorable.

Seth & AJ Lee
Scott loves watching Seth & AJ play video games.

Roman & Natalya
Joshua plays with Natalya and Roman's hair.

Styles & Sasha
Samantha dances with Sasha and Styles.

Finn & Ember
Mark likes painting on Finn with his Demon Balor paint.

Dolph & Liv
Victoria plays with Liv's hair.

Miz & Alexa
Allison loves playing Peekaboo with Miz.

Elias & Bayley
Kayley plays guitar with Elias.

Randy & Sonya
Joel sits in the ring while Sonya & Randy have their sparring matches.

Bray & Sarah
Brian plays with Bray's beard.

Punk & Brie
Raven pokes at all of Punk's tattoos.

Kevin & Nikki
Brett & Kevin play fetch with Kyle.

Sami & Naomi
Samuel dances with Sami & Naomi.

Daniel & Charlotte
Jennifer mimicks Daniel's 'Yes' chant.

Cena & Paige
Anthony watches wrestling with Cena & Paige.

Bobby & Renee
Christopher mimicks Bobby's entrance.

Braun & Asuka
Alexandria holds onto Braun's leg when he's walking.

Kane & Ruby
Amy does photoshoots with The Riott Squad.

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