Funny/Cute Moments

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Dean & Becky
Dean was trying to feed Michaela but she kept spitting the food out.

Dean-''She's still refusing to eat.''

Becky-''Maybe we should try something else.''

Dean-''I mean, it can't be that bad.''

Dean tasted the food.

Dean-''Oh, man.''

Becky-''Are you ok?''

Dean coughed.

Dean-''I-I'm good.''

Becky-''That bad, huh?''

Dean-''Michaela is not eating this. It tastes horrible.''

Becky-''Who makes baby food anyway?''

Dean-''Clearly someone who doesn't have kids.''

Becky laughed.

Seth & AJ Lee
AJ was reading a Hulk comic book to Scott.

Scott-''Hulk smash!''

AJ-''That's right.''

Scott picked up his toy and threw it on the floor.


Seth-''Oh, no.''


Seth-''You created a monster.''

Seth smiled as Scott laughed.

Roman & Natalya
Natalya walked into the living room.


Roman walked in.

Roman-''What is it?''

Natalya-''Look at what Joshua is doing.''

Joshua was drawing on his arm with a pen.

Roman-''I think he wants a tattoo like mine.''

They smiled.

Styles & Sasha
Sasha walked into the bedroom.

Sasha-''Oh my goodness.''

Sasha said laughing.


Samantha had put a lot of ribbons in Styles' hair.

Styles-''I look phenomenal.''

Samantha giggled.

Finn & Ember
Ember found Mark with Finn's Demon Balor paint all over his face.

Ember-''Oh my gosh. Finn!''


Finn saw Mark.

Finn-''Oh my.''

Mark-''Just like Daddy!''

They laughed.

Dolph & Liv
Liv found Victoria putting makeup on Dolph's face.

Liv-''You look adorable. Great job, Vicky.''

Dolph-''Yeah, she's gonna be an artist one day.''

They smiled.

Miz & Alexa
Alexa found Miz & Allison laying next to each other under a fort.

Alexa-''Wow, great fort. Did you two build it together?''

Miz-''Nope. It was all Allison.''

Alexa-''Well, she did an excellent job.''

They smiled.

Elias & Bayley
Elias was teaching Kayley how to play piano.

Bayley-''Elias, isn't she too young?''

Elias-''When it comes to music,'s never too soon.''

Bayley smiled.

Randy & Sonya
Randy was teaching Joel how to hit a punching bag.

Sonya-''Randy, he's gonna hurt his hands.''

Randy-''Don't worry. He's not even touching the bag.''

Sonya smiled.

Bray & Sarah
Bray, Sarah & Brian were sitting by the lake.


Bray-''Where are the fish, Brian?''

A fish jumped out and back in the water.


Bray & Sarah smiled at Brian's excitement.

Punk & Brie
Brie found Raven colouring Punk's tattoos.

Brie-''Oh my gosh. Is she colouring your tattoos pink?''

Punk-''Yep. Luckily, it'll wash off easily.''

Brie smiled.

Kevin & Nikki
Nikki saw Brett drumming on Kevin's stomach.

Nikki-''Now, that is funny.''

Kevin-''He won't stop.''

Nikki-''He'll get tired...eventually.''

They smiled.

Sami & Naomi
Naomi walked into the backyard.

Naomi-''Teaching Samuel how to throw a baseball?''


Naomi-''You sure he's ready?''



Samuel threw the ball against Sami's shin.

Naomi-''Oh! Are you ok?''


Sami was laying on the ground.

Daniel & Charlotte
Jennifer walked into the living room wearing Charlotte's robe.

Charlotte-''Oh my goodness.''

Daniel-''Doesn't she look great?''

Charlotte-''She looks perfect.''

Jennifer giggled.

Cena & Paige
Cena saw Anthony putting makeup on Paige.


Paige-''What? I look great.''

Anthony smiled.

Paige-''He does my makeup better than me.''

Cena smiled.

Bobby & Renee
Christopher walked into the kitchen with Bobby's robe around him.

Renee-''Oh my gosh, Bobby!''

Bobby-''What is...''

Bobby saw Christopher.

Bobby-''That's my boy!''

They laughed.

Braun & Asuka
Asuka got a fright when her robe was moving across the floor.


Braun walked in.

Asuka-''Why is it moving by itself?''

Braun-''It's Alex.''

Alexandria crawled out from under the robe giggling.

Kane & Ruby
Ruby walked into the living room.

Ruby-''What is Amy wearing?''

Ruby asked laughing.

Kane-''She's wearing my mask.''

Ruby smiled as Amy was giggling.

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