Thirty Two

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Taehyung took Jeongguk’s face between his hands, staring intently into his eyes, tilting his head to follow his gaze when it slid nervously away. “Silly boy. Don’t you know how perfect you are?” He chided softly. “Show me the mere girl with eyes prettier than yours.” He cooed softly, thumbs stroking across the boy’s cheeks. “Hmm? Tell me who’s lips are sweeter.” He brushed a kiss over those inviting, pink lips. “My pretty, baby bun.” He whispered against his soft, kissable mouth. “Who could ever hope to compare?”

Jeongguk looked up at him shyly, his hands lifting to bunch in Taehyung’s hoodie. “Really?” He whispered.

“Of course, my beautiful boy.” He murmured lowly. “Don’t you know how I adore you? No one else could even come close.” He smiled down at him reassuringly before he captured his lips once again, slow, sure, seductive. Guk gave way under the sensual assault, opening to him, surrendering with a whimper.

“There’s my good bun.” Tae murmured approvingly when they parted, rewarding him with a slow stroke of his velvety ears.

Jeongguk nodded, lifting his face and closing his eyes as he offered his lips again. Taehyung took them gladly, revelling in the soft moan that left the boy’s lips as their mouths met. He kept on like that, his arms loosely draped around Jeongguk’s naked shoulders, mouth exploring the boy’s beneath him leisurely.

Jeongguk’s hands found their way to his hips, gripping tightly as he bucked upward, making Taehyung break the kiss to tut disapprovingly.

“Needy baby. Plenty of time for that later. Let me enjoy this.” He murmured the chastisement.

His mouth brushed against Guk’s again, loving the way the boy’s kiss swollen, spit slicked lips slid across his own. He teased with his tongue, dancing just out of reach when the boy groaned and tried to deepen the connection. He gave a warning nip and the hybrid whined, but backed off, letting Tae control the kiss once more. He hummed his satisfaction.

His hands began to slide over the breadth of Jeongguk’s shoulders, basking in the warmth of the smooth skin under his palms, marvelling at the hard muscle that lay beneath, bunching and relaxing with each movement the hybrid made. He leant back a little, refusing to leave the sweet pleasure of Jeongguk’s lips as he did so. His hands glided down the hard chest and back up to his shoulders, roaming languidly. His desire was sweet and gradual, molten rather than flaming and all the hotter for it, as he rocked experimentally against the hybrid, humming in satisfaction at the spike of pleasure that pierced him. The hands at his hips gripped harder, trying to grind him down on Guk’s straining arousal, but he ignored them, savouring the way every subdued movement stoked the heat curling in his belly.

Eyes still closed, he drew away from the kiss, head falling back with a sigh. The hands on Jeongguk’s shoulders smoothed up his neck to delve into his hair, guiding the boy’s eager mouth to the exposed column of his throat.

“Jealous baby.” He breathed when Jeongguk began to drench him in his scent. “Yes, scent me. Mark me. Show them I’m yours.” His words melted into a moan when the hybrid’s mouth closed over his skin, sucking and biting possessively. The incessant rolling of his hips quickened.

When Jeongguk’s mouth met the barrier of his hoodie, Taehyung was quick to grab the hem and tear it from his body, taking the t-shirt beneath with it. His arms wrapped around his bun again, pulling him close to savour the feel of skin against skin. His lips blindly found Jeongguk’s, harder, more demanding. When he broke away, his chest rose and fell in harsh pants.

Jeongguk’s arms steadied him as he arched back, giving way to sensation, riding the hybrid’s clothed cock rapturously. When the boy’s searching mouth trailed down his chest, placing teasing kisses around his sensitive nipples, he admonished in a lust-thickened voice. “Brat.”

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