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Taehyung glanced at his phone distractedly as it vibrated atop his desk for the third time. Another call from Mrs Kim. He drummed his fingers on the desk in indecision. He didn't usually deal with work stuff during school hours but then again, he usually didn't deal with Jeongguk and they hadn't exactly left things on the best of terms last night.

After his outburst, Jeongguk had been noticeably distraught. Taehyung had hovered hesitantly at the closed door of the hybrid's bedroom for a long while before he finally decided to knock. Jeongguk hadn't answered. Disregarding the lack of response, he had called softly through the door, certain Jeongguk was listening even if he wasn't talking. He'd asked if Jeongguk wanted to have his hair washed or if they should perhaps leave it for next time. He'd taken his silence as an indication the interaction should be deferred he'd politely bid the hybrid a good night and left.

Given Jeongguk's distressed state and the unusual amount of calls from Mrs Kim, Taehyung snatched the phone up and made his way out of the lecture to the relative privacy of the hallway beyond. Mrs Kim picked up on the second ring.

"Taehyung! Oh thank god!"

"Hi Mrs Kim. Is everything ok?" He asked with concern.

"No, everything is not ok." She denied, frustration clear in her tone. "Jeongguk!" She hollered and even though she'd obviously placed her hand over the speaker of the phone, it was still jarring.

"Mrs Kim?" He queried, trying to draw her attention back to their conversation.

"Right, yes, Taehyung, sorry. Could you..? Would you mind coming over?" Her voice was tight with anger.

"I'm in the middle of my classes, at the moment, Mrs Kim." He apologised. "But after I'm done I'd be happy to-"

"No! I mean, sorry Taehyung, could you come sooner? Like now? It's kind of an emergency."

"What happened? Is Jeongguk, alright?"

"Honestly? I don't know. He's locked himself in his bedroom and nothing I'm saying is working. He's asking for Joon but I can't get a hold of him and now he's throwing the mother of all tantrums. Please. He listens to you."

Taehyung nibbled the skin on his dry bottom lip as indecision tore through him. He wasn't the sort to blow off classes, but Jeongguk was clearly distressed.

"Jeongguk!" She shouted again. Whatever reply she'd garnered drastically changed her tone, the anger draining from it to be replaced with concern. "Gukkie? Hey, please open the door." He heard Mrs Kim plead. She sighed at whatever his response had been and turned her attention back to their phone conversation. "Look, Taehyung, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

He let out a pent up breath and nodded. "Yeah, ok. I'm on my way."

"Thank you." He could hear the relief in her voice. "See you soon."

He checked the time, calculating the time it would take to get to the Kim household by his usual methods. Even if he left now he wouldn't make the bus and it would be an hour before the next one. His lips thinned. Not fast enough. Jeongguk needed him now. Rubbing his forehead with resignation he opened the uber app. He couldn't really afford the trip, but he also couldn't afford to leave his bunny in his current state of distress any longer than absolutely necessary.

Chaos abounded when Taehyung arrived at the Kim residence. Mrs Kim greeted him at the door, cell phone glued to her ear, clearly frustrated by whatever was being said on the other end.

"-don't care what plans you had. I expect you here this weekend. Understood?" She snapped. "Bye." Then she threw him a tight lipped smile. "Taehyung, hi. Please, come in."

The Hybrid Whisperer KTH+JJKWhere stories live. Discover now