Twenty Four

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Taehyung glanced down at the sleeping Jeongguk draped over his chest, hands curled into loose fists in his shirt, frown creasing his brow, ears twitching as he whimpered slightly. He brought a hand up, smoothing it down the bunny's ears and murmured reassuringly until the boy quieted.

The hybrid was sleeping a concerning amount of time, but at least his favourite place to nap was curled up on or beside Taehyung. At the moment they were on Taehyung's new couch. Having Jeongguk move in had prompted him to do some much needed furniture shopping. He was now the proud owner of not only a couch but a small dining table and four matching chairs, and even a small entertainment unit complete with bluray player and respectably sized TV, which was currently playing a series on Netflix that he had picked hoping to engage the hybrid. Instead Jeongguk had fallen into a fitful slumber a mere ten minutes in.

He had taken the Dr Lee's advice, taking over the day to day running of Jeongguk's life. He spent each night curved around the boy's body and woke him up each morning at six am to eat, shower and dress before they went for a walk, hoping the fresh air might help. At least it couldn't hurt. The hybrid had yet to scent him of his own accord, so Taehyung milked the gland under his chin every three days and dabbed it on like one might perfume.

He was glad he was still on term break, as Jeongguk did very little without prompting. He was dressing himself again, although he didn't show any interest in choosing his attire and Taehyung still had to bathe him. He ate, but only when food was placed before him and he was instructed to eat. Taehyung also had to fill a water bottle and remind him to drink from it throughout the day until it had been emptied twice. He barely spoke and only when spoken to. The hybrid was an empty husk and it broke Taehyung's heart.

He sent the completed registration papers through to the Kim's, requesting a signature to make the exchange of ownership official. He was still too angry at the pair to make face to face contact. When they'd sent the form back Mrs Kim had enquired after Jeongguk. He'd responded only that the hybrid was 'fine', ignoring her follow up questions.

An alarm began to chime on Taehyung's phone, reminding him that it was time for the midday meal. He'd set several to sound throughout the day to correspond to the tasks that needed to be completed, figuring the strict routine would help Jeongguk settle into his new home.

"Bun." He murmured, stroking his hand from the back of the boy's neck to the small of his back. He was always careful to wake him gently if he could. He gripped the hybrid's small waist and rolled them so they were side by side, brushing the hair back from Guk's face with careful fingers.

"Hey. Time to get up." He whispered, stroking a finger down his cheek. The hybrid stirred, brows lifting when Taehyung stroked the space between them.

"Lunch time."

"Not hungry." He slurred, burrowing back into Taehyung's chest.

"I didn't ask if you were hungry." He said, not unkindly. "I said it was lunch time. Now up you get."

Jeongguk sighed, but he did sit up, giving Tae a put out look. Taehyung smiled in response. Anything was better than that eerie blank look he too often wore.

"At the table, Guk. You know the rules."

"Yeah, yeah." He muttered. Taehyung's smile transformed into a grin. This was the most lively he'd been all week.

Taehyung scooted around the kitchen, singing quietly and bopping to the tune in his head as he fixed Jeongguk a salad for lunch. He set the bowl before the boy, but used his chopsticks to stuff a few leaves and a piece of cucumber into his mouth before handing them over to the hybrid.

Jeongguk stared at the chopsticks in his hands, then up at Tae. "Why do you always do that?" He asked.

Taehyung shrugged. "Because I can."

"It's unhygienic." He complained.

Taehyung gave him a look. "It's fine. Eat your salad." He said firmly.

This was the most argumentative Jeongguk had been since he'd moved in. Taehyung chose to see it as a step in the right direction.

The hybrid looked like he was going to argue, but Tae merely locked eyes with him, silently challenging him. Eventually the boy looked down. "Ok." He finally agreed.

"Good boy." He murmured, rewarding him with a stroke of his ears.

Jeongguk looked up for a second, meeting his eyes, then he looked back down at his salad. He repositioned his chopsticks in his hand and took a mouthful.

"Hyung?" Jeongguk said quietly some time later as Taehyung was folding their laundry.

"Hmm?" He asked, giving the t-shirt in his hand a snapping shake.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" He asked, distractedly as he concentrated on his task.

"All this. Taking care of me."

"Because I want you to get better." He explained.

"Why? I'm not even yours."

Taehyung turned his complete attention to the young hybrid who sat beside him, hands twisting in his lap.

"Yes, you are." He said possessively. "I already told you, didn't I? You're mine and I'm yours."


"No buts, Jeongguk. You're my sweet, baby bun." He reached out, caressing his face, a soft, adoring smile on his face. Then the smile turned melancholy. "Truth is I was planning on asking to take you on full time the day after we kissed. I didn't know at the time how you actually felt about him." He never mentioned the rabbit's former owner by name. "I had hoped you might want me too." He sighed again, dropping his hand. "I know I'm not him. I know that you don't feel that way about me. But he's gone and he's not coming back. I'm here. I want you. I'd give you the world if you asked for it."

"I... Oh..." Jeongguk said uncomfortably.

"Yeah, oh." He repeated, his lips twisting in self-derision. "Don't worry, Guk. I don't expect anything from you. Just concentrate on getting better. Let me worry about my feelings." He picked up a pile of clothes and held them out the rabbit hybrid. "Now go and put these away in your drawers."

A/N Aww, Tae Tae just out there wearing his heart on his sleeve, huh? You think it puts too much pressure on Guk to reciprocate? 

I'm feeling decidedly  better, so expect some more frequent updates. Hooray!

Anyways, I'm off to have delicious breakfast and copious amounts of white chocolate mochas. Later!

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