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Jeongguk was confused and he didn’t like it one little bit.

At first he had found the presence of Taehyung irritating at best and downright maddening at worst. He had ranted and railed at Mama Kim ceaselessly for the first week to no avail. Even his prolonged stretches of petulant silence had done nothing to sway her. If Joonie hyung had been here, he would have caved as soon as Jeongguk’s deep brown eyes had grown glassy with unshed tears. And there in lie the problem.

He missed Joonie hyung so much it was a constant dull ache is his chest. The gangly, young man had been Guk’s entire world and suddenly he’d been whisked away to some school where Jeongguk was unable to traipse adoringly in his wake. And with every kindness Taehyung offered him, every look of quiet understanding or fond indulgence Jeongguk found himself slipping a little further under the ethereal man’s spell. And every millimetre of his heart he conceded to the warm hands and soft voice felt like a betrayal.

He wasn’t supposed to lean into the strong supple fingers as they absently stroked along his scalp. He wasn’t supposed to prick his ears eagerly to catch every rumble of the deep, soothing voice. He wasn’t supposed to count down the minutes till their visits with eager anticipation. And he certainly wasn’t supposed to find the musky, masculine scent of him appealing or the masking of that odour by another distressing.

“Hey, bun, you ok?” He felt that sudden squeeze in his chest at the pet name again, the foolish spurt of giddiness and hated himself for it.

“I told you not call me that!” He shouted, rounding on the elder aggressively, uncaring of the strangers in the street that threw curious or disapproving looks their way.

“I’m sorry.” His voice held the same soothing quality it always did. He never raised his voice to Jeongguk, no matter how the boy tried to provoke him. It was infuriating.

“If you were sorry, you’d stop. You need to stop!” He cried desperately. “I’m not your bun! I’m not yours!”

“Ok, Guk.” He agreed equitably. “This seems like it’s about more than a nickname. Do you want to talk about it?”

“Stop acting like you care.” He spat. “I’m not stupid. I know she pays you to spend time with me. Stop trying to be my owner. You’re not him.” He was so distressed he didn’t even register that he had practically declared Namjoon as his owner after weeks of denying his pet status.

“I know, Jeongguk. I wasn’t trying to be.” He murmured. “And I’m not pretending. I’m very fond of you.” He attempted to catch hold of his hand reassuringly but Jeongguk snatched it away. Somehow he’d let Taehyung get into the habit of casual affection and now he craved it far more than he should.

“Don’t touch me.” He hissed.

“Alright.” He accepted the boundary without argument and Guk felt a pang of disappointment, which only fuelled his anger.

“I think it’s time we were heading home, hmm?” The elder suggested.

“I don’t want to go home with you!” He gave a hard stomp of his foot, venting his anger. He knew he was being unreasonable and childish, knew that Taehyung hadn’t done anything wrong, but all the hurt and loneliness inside him swelled in his chest, the dam of his emotions erupting the only way he knew how. He was helpless to stop it. “I don’t want you! I want Joonie!”

“I know.” The gentle understanding enough to break him.

He felt warm arms wrap around him and he wriggled and squirmed, fighting to get out of the embrace. Taehyung’s voice was a rumbling hum in his chest, wordless and rhythmic as he rocked the distressed hybrid as one might a child. The white heat of his anger ebbed, leaving only desolation and a sob burst from him. And as Taehyung’s gentle guidance led him through the emotional storm to the waiting calm beyond, another piece of his heart slipped away.

When his wailing was reduced to soft, humiliating sniffles, Taehyung pulled away and looked down at him with one of his soft, half smiles. “Hey, it’s ok. I know it’s only Thursday, but what do you say we call Namjoon when you get home, hmm?” He suggested, his thumb swiping away the tears that lingered on his cheeks.

Jeongguk nodded quietly and Tae released his hold on him. This time when Taehyung’s hand brushed tentatively against his own, he allowed the older boy to lace their fingers together and lead him home.

As promised, as soon as they reached Jeongguk’s home, Tae brought out his phone and tapped on Namjoon’s contact, handing it wordlessly to him.

It rang a few times before the familiar voice answered. “Hello?”

“Joonie hyung?”

“Oh, hey Gukkie.” Jeongguk sighed at the greeting, the tension draining from his body immediately. “What’s up? Everything ok?”

Jeongguk turned from Taehyung’s watchful gaze, unwilling to share this moment with him. “I miss you, Joonie.” He whispered.

“I miss you too, kit.” But he could hear the hollowness of the words, absent and meaningless. He closed his eyes against it.

“Could I come visit this weekend?”


“Just for a little bit. A few hours. That’s all. Please?” He begged.

He heard muffled voices drift down the line and then Namjoon was calling to someone that he’d be right there. “I have to go, kit. We’ll talk about this later, ok?” But those words were hollow too.

“Ok.” He mumbled miserably. And without so much as a goodbye, the line went dead and his Joonie was gone.

“Oh bun.” Taehyung murmured sympathetically, correctly reading the situation.

“I hate you! I hate you!” He railed, throwing down the phone and fleeing to his room, but he wasn’t sure if he was talking to Taehyung, Namjoon or both of them.

A/N So hopefully this clears up where JK is coming from. My poor bun!

Weird thing I discovered about myself: Out of all the members JK is the one I most often ship with the other members. He's also the one I've written the most smut about 👅💦. But weirdly he's the one I'm softest for. Like, I'm a total soft stan for Jeongguk. He's the babiest of all boys  👶👶💖 and I just want to put him in my pocket and protect him forever uwu.  Talk about duality!

So how are we feeling about him now?

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I purple you! 💜💜💜💜 Take me love! 💋❤💖💋 Take it! 💗💜💓

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