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And so they fell into a comfortable rhythm. Taehyung would come over after his classes three times a week and check with Mrs Kim on Jeongguk's progress. If it was satisfactory, which was most of the time fortunately, Taehyung would implement the rewards they had agreed on, while Jeongguk pretended he didn't care.

Sometimes, like today, Taehyung brought a little something extra with him. He didn't want to call it a bribe, but honestly the description wasn't far off. He was a little worried about this one. It was essentially a stick, although it was specifically designed for rabbit, and the rarer, guinea pig hybrids. Jeongguk was getting long in the tooth, quite literally and Tae had the feeling he was suppressing his natural urge to gnaw. The packaging of the chew toy promised Jeongguk would be satisfied both by the satisfaction of his more primal urges and the sweet strawberry flavour.  Jeongguk liked strawberries, right? He felt his anxiety spike at the thought of Jeongguk spurning the gift and forced it down, concentrating on his breathing.

The breathing exercise were made a little difficult due to the fact that the bus he was currently on was crowded with peak time commuters. One of which was close enough to smell. Not that he smelled bad, per se, it was just that Taehyung felt like he was breathing the man in with every inhalation and it was fraying his already tattered nerves.

When he saw his stop coming up, he stood, pushing the stop button and swiftly jostling his way to the exit. Once he was back out in the fresh air he breathed a sigh of relief and readjusted his back pack, making his way to the Kim household.

"You're late." Jeongguk greeted him flatly almost immediately after he'd knocked.

"Aw, bun, did you miss me?" Tae teased, laughing gaily when Jeongguk scowled.

"Of course not and don't call me bun." He grumbled, even as he opened the door further and stood back in invitation.

Taehyung simply hummed, stepping through the threshold. He was surprised when Jeongguk grabbed his shirt, effectively stopping him in his tracks and delicately sniffed at the fabric.

"You smell." He muttered, his scowl deepening into one of true displeasure.

"Do I?" Tae questioned mildly, deciding not to take offense at the blunt statement.

"I don't like it." Jeongguk's ears began to flick, his nose still wrinkle with distaste.

"Well, it was a bit warm on the bus, Guk. I can put some deodorant on if it's bothering you." He offered. He knew how important smell was to the boy's peace of mind.

Jeongguk sniffed again, shaking his head. "It's not a sweaty smell. I like that one. This is different." Tae decided not to remark on the sweat comment, but he felt his face heat a little.

The boy made a sound of frustration low in his throat and took a hold of Taehyung's wrist, dragging the slender, baffled man behind him to the sofa where he exerted steady pressure until Tae was falling onto it awkwardly. His eyes widened in alarm when the hybrid then climbed atop him, straddling his hips and placing his splayed hand over Taehyung's heart and it's increasingly rapid beat.

"Guk?" His voice was rough with uncertainty, his hands hanging numbly at his sides as he stared at the clearly agitated boy.

Soft grunts sounded from Jeongguk's throat as he leant forward, alternatively sniffing and nuzzling against Tae's neck and shoulders. Soon the grunting gave way to that familiar toothy purr and Jeongguk's hands began to knead against his chest like a kitten. His head raised, ears twitching a little before laying flat against his scalp and his head descended. Taehyung flinched, afraid the boy would try and kiss him, but when Guk merely nuzzled his face against Tae's cheek leaving a faintly damp trail the older boy finally realised what was happened and relaxed a little under the warm weight of the boy.

The Hybrid Whisperer KTH+JJKWhere stories live. Discover now