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June 2006

Percy woke up from his strange dream shivering. "Come on Percy, it's the last day of school, you don't want to be late!" Aunt May calls from the kitchen.

Percy got up, he was going to finish this year without getting expelled or blowing the school up. He pulls Riptide out from under his pillow and gets ready for school. Percy smiles, one more day until Camp Half-Blood.

In the kitchen, Aunt May is helping Peter eat breakfast, "Hi Percy, I made you some eggs and blue waffles."

"Thanks Aunt May," Percy replies looking at the food, but he couldn't stop thinking about Grover.

"What's up Percy, you usually love blue waffles?" Aunt May asks.

"Nothing, I just had a bad dream," Percy replies. He hated keeping his life a secret from Aunt May, but he didn't want her to worry too much about him.

"Remember, it's just a dream," Aunt May says, "How about after school I take you and Tyson to the skateboard shop you like in Rockefeller Center."

Percy smiles, they never went to the shop due to money being tight. Aunt May and Uncle Ben never expected to have two kids on their hands so suddenly. "Wait a minute," Percy says frowning, "I thought we were packing me up for camp tonight."

Aunt May sighs, "I'm sorry Percy...Mr. Chiron called last night. They're having some technical issues at camp and it's not safe for campers, so no camp this summer." Percy sighs, obviously Chiron didn't want him to go, but why. Camp Half-Blood was the safest place for demigods.

Aunt May looks at the clock, "Oh Percy, it's seven-thirty. You should go, Tyson will be waiting." When Percy goes to protest, she sighs, "I'll see what I can do, we'll talk after school."

"Ok," Percy says reluctantly knowing that he had to go and meet Tyson. He grabs his bag, "Bye Aunt May, bye Peter!" Percy waves walking out the door.

"Bye Percy, see you after school!" Aunt May replies picking up Peter who is also waving

December 2006

Thalia peered out the car window, "Oh, yeah. This'll be fun." She says spotting the castle looming above them.

"Are you sure, you don't want me to wait?" Aunt May asks looking around wearily.

"Yeah, it's just a school dance, and Annabeth's dad will bring us home tomorrow," Percy replies repeating the lie.

"Are you sure, I can just wait here, no problem," Aunt May asks again.

"It's okay Mrs. Parker, we'll have him home before you know it. Plus, you've got to get Peter home, it looks like he's falling asleep," Annabeth says pointing to the snoozing preschooler.

"Ok, do you guys have everything you need?" Aunt May asks.

"Yes, Mrs. Parker," Thalia says, "Thanks for the ride."

"Extra jackets? Do you have my cell phone number?"

"Aunt May, we'll be fine," Percy says exiting the car. Annabeth and Thalia follow him and Aunt May slowly pulls away.

"Your aunt is so cool, Percy, but why don't you tell her about demigods?" Thalia asks.

"She would worry too much, and both she and Ben are overwhelmed already, I don't want to put that on their shoulders as well," Percy replies, "What about you? You ever get in touch with your mom?" Percy asks instantly regretting it when he sees Thalia's face.

August 2008

Percy, Nico, and Mrs. O'Leary emerge in the Underworld. "So, Nico...what are we doing here?"

"You need to get a blessing," Nico replies trudging forward.

"Yeah, but my Aunt lives in Queens," Percy replies.

"I know, but your mom is down here," Nico replies.

"Wait, I can see my mom?" Percy asks.

"Yes," Nico replies, "Now please stop talking."

Soon they arrive at Elysium and Nico leads Percy to a small house nestled between a Roman villa and Victorian mansion. They walk up and ring the doorbell. A woman with brown hair and blue eyes opens the door. "Mom," Percy almost asks.

"Percy, you've grown so much!" Sally Jackson exclaims embracing her son.

"Mom, I've missed you so much! Aunt May and Uncle Ben are super nice and they're trying their best, but it's been super crazy," Percy rambles.

"It's ok," Sally whispers calming Percy down, "So why are you two here, I assume it has something to do with the war brewing."

"Nico has a plan, I need to bath in the River Styx so that I am invulnerable for the battle," Percy explains

"Percy, that's extremely dangerous, and I don't want you to end up here with me," Sally says.

"I know," Percy starts, "but if we don't try..."

"We'll all die," Nico states bluntly, "Ms. Jackson we don't stand a chance against an invasion. And there will be an invasion. Percy needs your blessing. The process has to start this way. I wasn't sure until we met Luke's mom, but now I'm positive. This has only been done successfully twice before. Both times, the mother had to give her blessing. She had to be willing to let her son take the risk."

"Percy...this is crazy," Sally shakes her head, "I can't..."

"Mom, please, I can't do this without you."

"And if you survive?"

"Then I go to war," Percy replies, "Me against Kronos. And only one of us will live."

Sally sighs, she knew there was no other way, "Percy, I give you my blessing." Percy hugs her.

"Thank you, good bye mom."


Percy spots a familiar car sitting in the middle of the road. He sprints over.

"Percy!" Annabeth calls after him, "Where are you going?"

Percy reaches the car and sees Uncle Ben passed out in the driver's seat, Aunt May is in the passenger seat, and Peter is slumped over in his booster seat. How could he have not spotted them earlier. "I need to get them out." Percy exclaims rattling the doors, they're locked.

"Percy," Annabeth says trying to calm him down.

"I can't leave them here!" Percy exclaims, "I have to move them, I have to..."

"Percy, just...just hold on," Annabeth says gently, "We can push the car into a side street, all right? They're going to be fine." 

December 2008

Peter anxiously looks at the door, Percy was supposed to be here by now. "Aunt May, when's Percy going to be here?" Peter calls into the kitchen.

"Soon Pete, he probably just lost track of time, you know how much he loves Annabeth," May replies.

"Ew," Peter replies, "Love is gross."

"Just wait until you have a girlfriend and you want to kiss her," May says playfully making kissy noises as Peter shrieks.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door, interrupting Peter. "Percy!" he exclaims running to the door. The door swings open to reveal Annabeth and Thalia, Annabeth's face is all red from crying.

"Hi, is Percy here?" Annabeth asks.

"No, I thought he was with you?" Peter asks confused. Annabeth and Thalia share a look. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing," Annabeth replies quickly.

Thalia snaps her fingers, "Percy sent us to tell you that he is going to spend the rest of break at boarding school."

Peter frowned why would Percy do that, "But he promised to come home!" Peter exclaims.

"I'm sorry Pete, but Percy said he had to do something," Annabeth says trying to comfort Peter, "I'll tell him to call you as soon as I see him."

"Ok," Peter says sadly. The two girls leave and Peter hears them muttering about mist. 

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