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Soulmate AU

Somehow this idea just popped in my mind. And it's actually for my upcoming fanfiction. But I have the urge to write it now here you go! Just think of this a little spoiler. And it's a Jungkook fanfiction. Enjoy!

You woke up again, crying. Tears falling down onto your cheeks. You can't make it stop. You couldn't control it. You just missed him so much. You really do.

You wiped your tears away, sitting up. Yoongi then came in and gave you a letter. "He told me to give you this." But you didn't want to take the envelope.

You didn't want to believe that he's dead.

"I don't want that, Yoongi. I don't wanna believe that he's dead. He's not, he's alive! He's maybe just hiding somewhere or go off somewhere. Please, Yoongi." You screamed, still sobbing. As a brother, he really doesn't want to see you like that.

Yoongi came sat beside you, patted your head and brought you closer to him. You hugged him also, crying on his shoulder. "He's not dead, Yoongi."

"Y/N, we all don't want to believe that he's dead, even I don't want to. But you can't live like this forever. You have to face the truth and bear with it. Live your life the way it is. I'm sure he would be sad if you be like this when he wants you to live a happy life. So, cheer up, okay?" He said that as he cupped your cheeks, eyes looking into yours. You gave him a little nod and he gave his gummy smile.

He then left your room, leaving the envelope on your desk. You looked at the envelope once again before going out. Outside, it was his other friends. "Y/N, are you okay?" Jimin came closer to you and held your hands. You smiled softly and answered back yes.

"Did you cry again?" Namjoon asked that made you smiled sheepishly. He punched you on the shoulder softly and said, "That's alright. We all missed him."

"Not as much as I do! KOOKIE!!!!" Taehyung sobbed under your favorite pillow. Now you have to change it. Suddenly memories of you and Jungkook came running in your mind.

"Jungkook, I can't reach. Get that for me, please?" You said, making puppy eyes. Jungkook rolled his eyes, annoyed that he can't resist it.

"Which one, this pink bunny?" He asked and you nodded. You grabbed it from him, hugging the bunny. Somehow the bunny reminded you of him. You looked at the bunny and then at Jungkook, back to the bunny and smiled.

"I'm gonna call him, Cooky!"

"Kookie? Like my nickname? Don't you have any other name?"

"It's not Kookie but Cooky! Different spelling."

"But same pronunciation." Jungkook shot back that made you rolled your eyes a little.

"Well, for his full name it's Jeon Cooky."

You furrowed your eyebrow, looking at him questioningly. "Why? It should be Min Cooky."

"I got this for you so that's behalf of me. And Jeon sounded better than Min."

"That's true, though. Huh, when will I become a Jeon?"

"Once we graduated."

"Ay, really?!"

You smiled alone, remembering those memories. They must have noticed that smile of yours that you quickly hid it and pretend everything is normal.

You excused yourself to your room, eyes focusing on the envelope. Still deciding if you want to read it or not. Curiosity gets the best of you so you opened it and read it.

Dear Y/N,

I'm so sorry for leaving you alone. I promised I would be by your side forever and it's okay. I will still be guarding you. I will be your angel. Please don't cry, Y/N. I don't want you to be sad over me. Smile like you always do. My Y/N is not a gloomy person like her brother! (No offense, Yoongi hyung.)

Anyways, all I want is for you to stay happy like you always are. I love you, Y/N! Remember that!

P/S: Yoongi hyung, tell the others to take care of my precious baby for me. Sorry, OUR precious baby 😊

You closed the paper, hugging it to your chest and cried again.

Okay, I just realized this is actually the ending. Oh well, nevermind.

And I just realized I wrote more angst than fluff. Which is not that sad 😭 I'm still learning!

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