What Rowling said about another book

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"The only reason you'll ever see an eighth Harry Potter book is if I really, in ten years time, burn to do another one, but at the moment I think that's unlikely."

JKR: "I won't say 'never,' but I have no plans to write an eighth book."

JKR: "if there's ever an eighth, it will be because ten years down the line I had a burning desire to do just one more, but I don't presently think that will happen, However, I think I might write a kind of Harry Potter Encyclopaedia & give the royalties to charity so ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES!"

If there is an eighth Harry Potter book, it will be to raise money for charity. "It could be the encyclopaedia of the world (of Hogwarts) and then I could rid myself of every last lurking details, but no not a novel."

"JK Rowling and her agents have categorically denied that an eighth Harry Potter adventure is planned"

There will be no prequels; we won't need them.

The most likely thing JK would write Potter-wise after Book 7 "would be an encyclopedia in which I could have fun with the minor characters and I could give the definitive biography of all the characters."

JKR: "I think I can say categorically that I will not write another fantasy after Harry." 

A new children's book, a 'political fairy story' about a monster is complete, and she has written some short stories.

Jo still says she might do a kind of encyclopedia of the Wizarding World for charity after Book 7.

JKR: "I admire the people who go out when people still want more."

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