Albus Severus Potter

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Albus Severus Potter often visited the portrait of Severus Snape, and they would have long talks about Hogwarts and Potions in particular. Once when Albus was just about to get on the Hogwarts express, he was talking to his father about Snape and how he thought he was a charming man. Harry asked him what Snapes portait was like, he told him that it was dark and bland, with potion vials scattered around and books in heaps on the floor. Harry wasn’t suprised, he pictured the potions dungeons in his head from when he was at Hogwarts. However, when Albus proceeded to tell Harry that on the desk in Snapes portrait stood a vase of Lillies, which seemed to be the brightest and prettiest thing in the picture, Harry let out a little smile, hugged Albus and continued to help him get his trunk onto the carriage.

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