The three Dursleys

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Petunia and Lily didn't have a good relationship growing up because Petunia was jealous of her sister's magic. Although she didn't treat Harry well, she pauses at the door as if to say something to him on the night that the two part ways. Rowling has revealed that if Petunia had spoken, she would have said “ I do know what you’re up against and I hope it’s okay.”

The three Dursleys were thought to be regular, Harry-disliking muggles until the fifth book. Once Dudley has been exposed to the effects of the dementors, Petunia shows knowledge of the creatures, Azkaban, and receives a Howler from someone in the wizarding world. In the seventh book, Harry sends his relatives to safety before the protection of the blood wards fades. Dudley wishes him well while Petunia hesitates. Though she did neglect Harry throughout his life, this proves that blood does matter to her and she would have wished her nephew luck on his harrowing quest. 

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