nineteen || "hey"

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After your mom took you up to your room and helped clean your cuts and blood stained on your skin, you went to have your shower. After the whole ordeal of being locked in a container, to being locked in a cellar of a ship, to finally being covered in your own and your boyfriends blood, it felt great to finally rinse off all those memories and all that built up dirt making you feel utterly gross.
It surprised you Peter would want to kiss you with you being in such a state.

But your mind kept wandering. You was absolutely petrified of what the hell could be happening right now in your dads lab lab involving Peter. Your hands were shaking violently as you watched blood that had once been on your body somewhere swirl around your feet and then down the plug-hole. Knowing your dad and Bruce were working together, you knew Peter was in safe hands and would be kept alive and would be fine. Besides, that was what everyone had been promising you - that Peter would be fine and alive and all would be good again in your lives.
But there was another part of you, like some darker part of you telling you that you and everybody else was wrong - that this was it for Peter and you would never be able to hug him properly again - that the wound would kill him and that there was nothing your dad could do to save him.
Your heart began to beat fast as the negative thoughts took over the positive ones. You never got to tell him you loved him... your last words were telling him to focus on you and to stay with you... was that too selfish of you? Should you have just spent the time he was awake telling him and reminding him of how much you loved Peter?

Climbing out of the shower, you quickly dried yourself off, desperate to go and visit Peter as soon as you could. You knew your mom and dad (via Steve) had all said to stay out of the way and that seeing Peter like this would hurt you more, but they were all wrong. At the moment, you just wanted to know if the boy you loved was still alive, to prove the negative thoughts in your head wrong and to just hold his hand in yours.
On the jet, you had been so concerned that it was the sound of Peter's heart monitor that was driving you into utter insanity, but now you knew that was wrong.
The thought of Peter's heart monitor stopping and being silent was what was driving you insane, and now you was left alone in your room without the constant sound, the madness was kicking in and making you want to scream out to get it to stop.

You pulled on a pair of leggings and an oversized grey jumper, shoving your feet into a pair black and white checkered vans and raced out of your room as fast as you could. Your hair was dripping wet but that was the least of your worries. Your feet banged off of the floor loudly as you sprinted towards your dads lab. Your arms were flailing around as your eyes locked to the hallway ahead of you, focused on getting to your destination-
"Y/n?" You stopped running to look behind you where Steve was stood in the hallway, looking at you. He was out of his uniform now and wearing a casual pair of dark blue jeans, grey t-shirt and some black shoes, "Where are you going?"
"You know exactly where I'm going, Steve," you respond as you start to walk backwards.
"No, Steve," you cut him off, knowing exactly what he was about to tell you, "I need to be with him. I keep imagining him being dead because I can't hear his heart monitor and its driving me mad!" You end up crying out, running a hand through your hair as Steve sends you a sympathetic look, "I need to be with me to keep myself sane..."
Steve smiles at you sadly before he eventually nods his head, giving into your cries and showing he understood, so with the squeak of your heel, you carried on running down the hallway as fast as you could yet again, banging the doors of the lab open loudly as you arrived.

"Jesus y/n, you scared the shit out of me!" Your dad yelps from where he was working on one of the monitors. Bruce looks up at you and smiles before he carries on working again.
"How is he?" You ask as you walk towards Peter where he was lying on the bed. He looked better, his face wasn't as pale and the blood had been cleaned off of his face. He was also wearing an obviously too big grey t-shirt rather than his Spider suit, which you saw in a heaped pile on a far off table.
And his heart monitor was beating in a steady rhythm, relaxing you original built up anxieties.
"He's a lot better," Your dad came and stood by you, putting an arm around your shoulders, "We managed to make his heart rate is back to a steady pace and basically pumped him with a load of medications, and Pepper spent a lot of time clearing the blood off of his face and cleaning the gun shot wound, and Steve even leant him a t-shirt to replace the suit he had been wearing."
You look back at the suit and laugh, "How broken is it?"
"Pretty much un-mendable," your dad sighed, "HYDRA knew what they were doing when they broke it. The entire system is, long story short, fucked."
You nod as your dad then walks off back to the monitors to continue work. You take this opportunity to sit on Peter's bed, holding his hand in your shaky one. You lift up the hand and kiss it, trying your best not to knock the IV still providing him with vital medications. His head was tilted to one side and eyes were closed. You watched as his chest moved up and down slowly and you leant forward to kiss him on the cheek.
As you pull back the soft kiss, you watch as his eyelids begin to flicker once again. Your breathe hitches and you lean forward towards him slightly once again, smile plastered on your face as you watch Peter's eyes opening fully and he turns his head to look at you with a small, weak smile, "Hi..." his voice croaks out, your eyes once again filling up.

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