sixteen || "well done, kid. I'm proud of you"

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Back outside on the top deck, you could now see other people fighting HYDRA Agents who were positioned everywhere on the ships deck. You saw Hawkeye was knelt on top of one of the containers shooting arrows at approaching agents, Nat was fighting a few agents about 10 meters away, and despite being unable to see him, you could hear the familiar sounds of your dad's repulsers firing up and setting off somewhere on the ship.
     "Scott, get these two to the jet and let us know as soon as you're on there. Then we'll come to the jet and we can leave as fast as we can," Steve tells Scott who nods.
     "Got it Cap," Scott nods as Steve turns his attention to you and Peter and smiles.
     "Don't be getting yourself in any more trouble," he tells you before turning to fight the approaching HYDRA Agents from behind.
     Scott beckons you to follow him so you do, Peter just ahead of you, though he frequently turned his head to ensure you was still following and was ok. Every time he did, you would send him a warm smile which he would return. Now you were in broad daylight, you could see how ruined his suit was, from rips at the seams to blood splotches and other various tears everywhere.
     Your dad certainly had his work cut out to make him a new one.

You continuously dodged people trying to approach you, Peter quickly jumping over them and kicking them in the face, though not as effectively as if he had his webs to provide him with more momentum. His suit also had some what protection still, despite being ruined, whilst your jeans, t-shirt and zip up hoodie you had been wearing the past couple of days were destroyed and provided no such support. Scott was also able to punch a few people as he ran ahead, clearing the path for you both to get to the jet.
     As you ran, you felt someone grab you by the wrist and pull you into one of the gaps between the HYDRA painted containers. You was quick to fight back, tackling them to the ground by kicking him in the legs and as he fell forward, you punched him hard in the head as he fell to the ground. You smiled at your work and went to leave the alley and return back to your mission of getting to the jet, when someone else walks towards you, it being the same guy that had tormented you through this entire thing.
     He held a gun out and was pointing it right at you, "I don't want to shoot you, y/n, but right now, you leave me no other choice." He continued to walk forward, gun
pointed at your head, "You know, your dad and his little friends just don't know when to stop do they?"
     "You say that like its a bad thing," you retort back, clenching your fists at your side, "You're just jealous they have the brains to work around your stupid little games and figure out how to prevent them from going ahead."
     He laughs, as he loads the gun, it clicking in response, "Yeah, apart from this one-" but before he could hit the trigger and shoot you, you witness him flying backwards and him crying out as his head smacks off of the metal bar of the ships safety barrier, preventing him from falling back and into the sea unfortunately.

Turning to look behind you sharply, you see the familiar red and hold suit of IronMan and, as the mask is taken off, you see your dads face as he walks towards you, concern written all over his scared and slightly bruised face from the fight.
     "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" The questions leave his mouth faster than you can respond so in the end, you just pull him into a tight hug that he returns, patting your back and kissing the top of your head lovingly, "God, they really got to me this time," he tells you and you laugh as you pull away.
     Now you were closer to your dad, you could see the  prominent bags under his eyes and look of tiredness throughout his entire face. But you could also see the determination from the way his eyes shone and he had a happy smile positioned across his face now that you was, finally, in front of him and still alive, "I've missed you, dad," you say as he pulls you back into yet another hug.

"Y/n?!" You look up on top of the container to your left where Peter was crouched, looking down at you in confusion from your earlier disappearance. He then notices your dad stood by your side and smiles weakly at him, "H-hey, Mr Stark."
     Your dad smiles at Peter warmly, "Well done, kid. I'm proud of you." And you watch as an even bigger and more confident smile spreads across Peter's face as he nods.
     "No problem Mr Stark, just fulfilling my missions... even if it does involve being somewhat kidnapped to South Korea," he responds, your dad chuckling to make humour out of a dark situation. Peter jumps down off of the container to stand next to you as your dad continues to talk, putting a hand onto Peter's shoulder comfortingly but also as a subtle thanks.
     "You two need to get to the jet immediately before something like this happens again," your dad tells the two of you, "Once you get there, we'll join you so FRIDAY can fly the jet home, and Bruce can blow up this ship and then work on removing your tracker," your dad fills you in. You begin to hear louder bangs and thats when your dad reapplies his helmet and nods at the two of you, "Get moving!"
     "On it!" Peter says, taking your hand and pulling you after him as you ran. Peter was a lot faster than you, and at one point he was almost dragging you across the ships deck. You managed to keep upright though, moving as fast as you could in an attempt to match Peter's fast moving pace towards the jet's ramp where you could see Scott stood to ensure you arrived safely and tell the other Avengers of your arrival.

You get to the jets ramp, Peter stopping so you can walk on in front of him, "God, I thought I'd lost you," Scott tells you as he walks down the ramp to meet you halfway, "I was just running and next thing I knew, you was gone and Peter was running back in the opposite direction."
     You laugh as you continue up the ramp, "Well at least we're here now-"
     But your comment is cut off by the loud bang of a gun being set off and as you turn to look behind you, you see it's the same guy who was threatening to shoot you before your dad rescued you.

But instead of that, this time you watched in horror as Peter collapsed on the jet's ramp next to you, crying out agony and gripping his side as you watched blood begin to pour through his fingers.

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