ten || "that's... that's illegal"

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It felt like hours later when you opened your eyes again. The container still was dark, but it felt as if it was moving, bobbing up and down. At first you found it relaxing, until the memories of what happened came back to you and the realisation if you being on the ship flooding your mind.
Looking down, you see your boyfriend still unconscious on the ground, the bruises across his face setting in and now a dark purple along with more opened cuts causing blood to drip down his face, "Peter?" Your voice was croaky as you tried to nudge your boyfriend awake with your elbow. Your mouth felt dry, and your body once again began to shake as he remained still and unmoving. You shuffled back, leaning against the metal container and resting your head back on your shoulders as the tears yet again began to form again. You squeezed your eyes shut as the tears rolled down your face and dripped off of your jaw. You'd completely given up trying to escape, cause attention, whatever. This was your new fate, and as long as Peter was unconscious, you were going to South Korea.
Not that if Peter was awake, it would be much of a difference. You couldn't web over seas. You couldn't swim in the sea if you had no idea where you were. The two of you were pretty much stranded on this ship, and with Peter's suit also utterly destroyed and broken, there was no way for your dad to track your location.

You heard a small groan and looking back at Peter, your breath hitched as you saw his face twitch and his eyes slowly open, "Peter?" your voice was hopeful as you shuffled forward again to be next to him as he woke up, "Peter? Are you awake? Can you hear me?"
He says nothing as he weakly pushes himself up with his arms, breathing heavily as he managed to sit up on his thigh, still using a hand to hold him up as he looked at you, "Hey..."
"Oh my god Peter," you cried as you leant forward and rested your head on his chest and began to cry again. With more strength building up quicker now, Peter wrapped his arms around you and held you close to his chest, "I though you was never going to wake up..."
Peter pulled back the hug so he could look at you. Your mascara had run down your cheeks messily and your lips were chapped from most likely dehydration. Nether the less, Peter was quick to push his lips onto yours in a kiss, that you returned, thankful that you was finally reunited with Peter and that he was awake again. Pulling back the kiss, Peter then began to notice your cheeks were red and eyes puffy from crying, and a deep, dark red cut was across you cheek that Peter touched and you winced, "What happened?"
"We're on a ship to South Korea," you felt yourself laugh despite it not being at all funny, "I was sold and sent to South Korea by these dudes and I guess you're coming with me-"
"What?!" Peter jumped up to stand up, kinda scaring you as his face looked full of concern and fear yet again, "They can't do that... that's... that's illegal-"
"I don't think they care about if what they're doing is illegal or not," you tell Peter with a small voice, "They just want money and that's all I am to them. I'm a money making, defenceless, useless-"
"Hey hey hey hey," your boyfriend cut you off as he crouched back down back in front of you, "Stop bringing yourself down like that-"
"But I went and got the parcel, Peter. I was so stupid and-"
"Yeah, well kinda Tony's fault really," Peter tells you. He gestures for you to turn your body to the left and you do so as he moves to untie your arms to let you free, "Tony told me all that happened and how he let you go to get the parcel and how Pepper has given him an ear-full when they discovered you were gone-"
"Oh god mom..." you had thought a lot about your dad during this but barely your mom. She was one of the closest people you had along with Steve and Peter, and she was the one to constantly make you food for tea, since everyone in the base was capable of burning cereal, though Steve was able to whip up a top notch mac and cheese if he fancied to. You knew that she was one of the driving forces behind your 'protection' along with your dad, so you knew she'd be utterly crushed with you gone and missing.
The ropes were untied from your legs and arms and Peter helped you up to your feet. You was a little unsteady at first and wobbled, Peter making sure to hold you up I'm his arms, "You ok?"
"Yeah," you nod. Now you was stood up, you could clearly see Peter's face with all its bruises and opened cuts, even the ones you had dealt with when he was at the base with you however long ago that was.
"We need to get out of here and contact Tony," Peter told you as he let go of you and looked around, "Do you know where my mask is?"
"It's here, but it's not what you remember it like," you walked to the corner of the container where the pieces of Peter's mask was and gathered them up. When Peter saw it, his face dropped and you could see the utter hurt and pain in his eyes, "He slashed it with a knife after he knocked you out so you couldn't contact Tony. He stepped on your suit and I heard it bang so I think the tracker in it is broken too-"
"Shit," Peter muttered aloud, running his hands through his hair in annoyance. He was walking in circles, muttering curses to himself, before he stops and looks at his wrist. You watch as he uses his fingers to shoot out a web and one flies across the room and hits the metal wall of the container, and you gasp aloud as he turns to smile at you, "I guess they forgot to break my web shooters."
"Is there a tracker in them?!" You asked frantically, walking over to your boyfriend, but he shakes his head.
"No, but we can escape out of here and try to find a phone or something to contact your dad on," Peter tells you, as he walks towards the container doors. He begins ti throw his body weight at it angrily, making a few audible grunts as he attempts to bust it open. You stand back and watch as Peter moves back. He pushes his hair back and stands next to you, "Make sure you stay back," he tells you and you nod as he shoots a web from each hand either side of the containers doors and then launches himself forward to kick the door down. Despite not falling down, you notice a large dent forming in the door and a crack of daylight peeping in and almost blinding you.
"One more of those should get us out of here," Peter tells you as he once again stands next to you, "We need to be careful on this ship though, y/n. There will be most likely HYDRA agents on here to ensure that you was delivered so we need to be quiet-"
"Wait, HYDRA?" You question and Peter looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
"You had no idea it was HYDRA who took you?" Peter asked you, "They trashed the entire front of the facility and spray painted their logo onto the floor in red paint-"
"Peter, I was in a box. How the hell was I meant to see them paint a logo?" You asked with stifled snigger and he rolls his eyes.
"Whatever, you just be glad I'm here," he kisses your forehead before launching back at the door, and it falls to the floor with a loud bang and a cloud of dust flies into the air, and you see Peter stand up, his ballance a little wobbly after falling with the container door, "You coming?"
"So much for being quiet," you roll your eyes, but quickly jog to your boyfriends side so he could walk with you and look after you on the ship.

Finally, things were looking up again.

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