two || "you're thinking about it again"

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You sat on the window ledge of the living room and stared out as you saw your dads Iron Suit fly off in the sky, and Peter swinging through the trees. It made you almost feel left out, knowing you had no powers of your own to help save the city. When you were younger, you were desperate to gain powers to be just like your dad, as well as to spend more time with him saving the city from criminals and aliens trying to destroy earth. Not only that, but you often dreamed of how you could use your powers against Steve also, sending him into a world of madness as you would use sorcery against him. That's what led you to googling up online recipes of remedies on how to gain powers and ransacking the kitchen for ingredients like food colouring or corn flour just to make the recipes and try to get the powers - obviously they didn't work, and would make your mom mad as you often left a horrendous mess from climbing on cabinets for the required ingredients.

"You're thinking about it again," your mom calls out to you, and you laugh, turning to face her as she flips through her magazine, an edited picture of your dad printed over the cover, signature tinted glasses covering half of his face.
"Thinking about what?" You question, trying to play dumb, but your mom just puts her magazine in her lap and gives you a look, the look.
"You want powers and you want to be out there with your dad doing something with your life," she pretty much sums up your entire thought process and you laugh, gazing back out of the facility window at the grounds below you, "Come on, y/n, I'm your mother and I can read you like a book-"
"I just feel like I could be doing something!" You complain, looking at your mom again who is once again reading the magazine, "I could be out there helping but I'm stuck in here, watching and waiting whilst my dad and my two best friends, one also doubling up to be my, boyfriend are out there doing good!"
"You know your dad does this to keep you safe," your mom reminds you get again, a phrase she would always say when this conversation came up time and time again, "You know he would hate to see you get hurt because he gave you the ability to go out there and use combat in the real world. You know how much it hurt him when he went up against Steve all those years ago, and though it's all in the past, imagine how distraught he would be if you ever got hurt, wether it was his fault or not."

The civil war was a sore subject to bring up, and whenever it was, it made you feel uneasy and uncomfortable, since the two fighting were so close to you, yet you were forced onto your dads side and forbidden to speak to Steve. Despite that being the time when you and Peter got to know one another since he too was recruited onto the so called 'Team Stark', the deprivation of not being able to talk to Steve at all broke your heart as you would watch him struggle. But you were always there for your dad, making sure he was ok but hoping the war would end and the two would become friends again at some point. It took a long time, of course it did, but you remember the day you reunited with Steve, you gave him the biggest hug you could and introduced him to your boyfriend Peter, who Steve told you the two had met in Berlin and had formally called "Queens" unless he was calling him "kid" likewise to your dad.

"He's always protecting me though," you moan as you go and join your mom on the couch, "I can never leave this place alone without Happy or him or you, and even when I go out with Peter you're tracking me like I am a bad guy-"
"I'm homeschooled because I'm a Stark and going out in public could jeopardise my safety, and whilst I like that I can do all my school work in my pyjamas, in bed or even whilst watching Thor burn toast, Peter makes public school sound so much better and all these movies make me feel like I'm missing out on life," your mom looks genuinely upset as you rant about your life. You'd told her all of this stuff before, about how you hated growing up in the limelight not just because you were powerful and expected to make a difference, but because of your successful, superhero father, "Even you have a suit, mom. Why can't he make me one like that?"
"You know I hardly ever use it-" your mom argues, referring to the backup suit your dad had made specifically for your moms use, but you cut her off quickly.
"But you have the option. I have no other option but to stay inside like some sort of damsel in distress requiring protection and it really sucks at times because I want to be out there doing something."
"You can do something," your mom smiles, resting a gentle hand on top of yours, "You just being safe is enough for us, enough for you too. You're our main priority-"
"But I don't want to be the main priority," you sigh looking at your mom once again, removing your hand from her grip and leaving the room, "I want to be more and do more than just be portrayed as Tony Stark's daughter by the media."

You walk to your room, slamming the door behind you. It was very often you would lock yourself in your room and stay away whenever your dad or people within the facility would go on a mission or outing, because every time these emotions would engulf you and make you feel worthless. What was the point of even being labelled as a 'Stark' if you couldn't do anything your parents were famous for doing, like running a successful business or possessing a high tech, ultra powerful suit where they saved lives. It didn't seem fair to you, not one bit.
"FRIDAY, what's going on with the mission?" You question the built in AI that ran through the entire building, yet another invention by your father.
"There is an alien creature in New York centre trying to destroy the city," FRIDAY responded back, "The assembled avengers are currently winning and stats show that they will be back at the base after their success in about an hour if their pace remains frequent."
"Thanks FRIDAY," you thank the bot as you lie on your bed. You knew Peter would most likely return with your father to the facility, so all you could do was wait and hope that he would come and find you in your room and cheer you up. Besides, Peter was someone who knew all about your emotions and understood your desires of wanting to the highly remarked 'Stark' lifestyle of success and leadership.

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