nine || "you're a monster"

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It would have been an understatement if you thought you were losing hope. It had all gone what felt like hours of lying on the metal floor of the shipping crate. Your back was still on fire whenever you tried to shuffle to a new, more comfortable position, and you could feel the blood and sweat making your shirt cling to your skin despite its many tears and rips. Lying on top of your arms also made the pain ten times worse, though there was no other comfortable way of sitting or lying down. Everything hurt, every muscle, every limb. You had no energy, nothing left to give as you just lay there, wallowing in self pity with no tears left to cry.
This was it. You knew this was your fate. Everything you had hyped up about earlier that evening - the new suit, the new you that was about to come out with training in combat and self defence - all those dreams had been shattered the second you opened that door to those bloody psychopaths to collect your 'parcel'. You wanted to punch something, but you couldn't. So instead you lay there, thinking of what you'd do when you eventually arrived.
Busan in South Korea was it? You'd tried to remember where you were going so as soon as you got there, you could kick the guy who had brought you and escape, ring your dad and tell him where you was. You knew the distance between South Korea and New York was ridiculous, something like 7'000 miles so how your dad would bring you back you had no clue. But right now, you had no other plans.

In the distance, you hear the sounds of bangs on metal, as if someone was jumping between the containers in the yard. You remained still, though tried to focus on your hearing on the sound, trying to work out what it was. It was faint, very faint, as if they were some good distance away from you. You went to ignore it, thinking it would be nothing until you heard your name being called faintly.
Immediately you sat up. It confused you on who it was. But nether the less, someone was there, looking for you, and this was too big of an opportunity to pass up on for escaping. You shuffled forward so your feet touched the metal walls of the container and used them to bang against the container walls to try and indicate to this person where you were.
"Y/N?!" the calling of your name got louder as well as the bangs between container to container. You banged your feet harder on the containers walls, your crying beginning again as you banged with frustration, though the sobs were muffled through the cloth of the gag,
You recognised the voice as you heard a heavy bang as if coming from the roof above your container. That sweet voice you felt like you hadn't heard in ages yet it had only been a few hours since he had left. Peter.
You tried to scream his name out, but only muffled cries came out, so you resorted to banging the container walls harder and harder, crying and begging he would know you were in there, that he had found you that-
You heard the sound of the door being banged and pulled at and before you knew it, the entire container flooded with bright lights from street lights located outside the crate, and the figure of a boy in the doorway, "Y/n?"
He walked forward, and now you could see his mask coming into view, the eyes built in wide and full of fear, he crouched down besides you and pulled you into a tight hug, "Thank god I found you."
The hug pulled back and he instantly was looking into your eyes as he reached his hands behind your head and fumbled to untie the gag, "I honestly was losing so much hope in finding you, like you have no idea how long I've been searching this place and-"
The second the gag fell from around you mouth, you then saw another figure walk into the container, "Peter look out-" but before he could shoot a web or respond, a baseball bat had hit him around the head, knocking him to the floor, unconscious and out cold.

The man in front of you held a torch, blinding you as you stared at him in anger. It was the same guy as before and you snarled as he leaned down and ripped the mask off of Peter's head, presenting his battered up, now black and purple bruised face, eyes shut, hair flopping over his face and mouth open slightly.
"Who would have thought it? The Spider and the boyfriend was the same person," he laughed. You watched as he took a knife out of his back pocket and slashed the mask into a million and one pieces, you still glaring as he threw the pieces into the air, "Have fun trying to contact your father with no super artificial AI or tech to reach him."
He began to walk away, but you wasn't having it. You couldn't move at all, but you could talk, "You're a monster-"
"I'm simply running a business," the man laughed, "Your dad is a monster for supplying weapons that killed thousands of people when the military got their hands on them-"
"He stopped all that shit 10 years ago," you snarled, defending your dad as much as you could, "Whilst you're still doing it: selling us illegally just so you can profit off of us you sick bastard-"
"Look, I'm doing my job. If I could, I'd keep you for myself, but that isn't going to pay my rent is it? And with your boyfriend also now joining you on this trip, maybe I'll earn enough cash to finally overthrow those stupid Avengers you associate yourself with," he then walked back towards Peter, pushing a heavy foot onto his side and you watched in horror as the suit began to spark underneath his foot before making a quiet little bang to prove its destruction and so your dad further was unable to track the suit and Peter's location. He walked towards the container door chuckling to himself and stepped out, looking in one last time with an evil grin and chains in his arms, "Have a safe journey, lovebirds," and he slams the door shut, and you hear the rustle of chains as he securely locks the container to prevent any one else getting in.

"Peter?" Your voice croaked as you looked back at your unconscious boyfriend, "Please Peter, I need you right now... please wake up..." Yet he didn't move, lying there still as you felt yourself begin to cry again, resting your head on his shoulder as the crying began to get hysterical and you screamed now there was no gag restricting you.
You felt hurt, betrayed, sick to the stomach and even more alone knowing that your one chance of escape was lying there, unmoving, locked in the same container as you.
If it was even possible, any sprinkle of hope you had evaporated from your body as you accepted your fate and fell asleep crying on your boyfriends shoulder.

And as you drifted off, the crane lifted your container up and onto the ship, and began its long haul journey to South Korea, unknowing of the two famous children being shipped across the ocean illegally with it.

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