five || "what's the worse that's gonna happen?"

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After spending an hour of so in your dads lab, the two of you had come up with a design for your suit to use in combat. It was something you had always dreamed of doing, and your dad supported you along the way, challenging a few of your ideas as well as adding his own touches such as your own in-built AI into an earpiece and a watch that could notify you of things, similar to the one Peter had, though his also doubled up as his web-shooters.
The only reason you left the lab was because your mom had got FRIDAY to tell you that dinner was ready and being served in the dining room, otherwise the two of you could have spent all night down in that lab working further on your suit. As you left the lab, your dad walking happily by your side, you felt grateful that, finally, you and your dad had been able to get along together and work stuff out without the need of Steve to ensure no arguments occurred between your two strong, sometimes conflicting, personalities. The two of you were finally on the same page as one another and it filled you with even more hope for the future of your relationship and bond.

"Finally! I thought you were never going to show up!" your mom greets the two of you as you enter the facilities dining room. For a large table, there was only your mom and Steve sat at the table, your mom waiting patiently for you and your dad to turn up before eating, whilst Steve who sat opposite was busy eating one of the slices of garlic bread served on the side of your moms homemade lasagna.
"Sorry love, just having a chat," your dad sits down next to your mom whilst you sit next to Steve, who greets you with a warm smile before continuing to eat the garlic bread. You and your dad had already discussed the fact of not bringing up what you had talked about in the lab and that he was letting you, hopefully, become an Avenger because mom would shut it down and dismiss the idea immediately. You both knew if there was any chance of you getting on the battlefield, it was best that it stayed secret to your mom until you were more advanced in training where she either saw you were acting different or saw the bruises on your body, which would most likely happen.
"Whatever, just eat your dinner, it's getting cold," your mom sighs, picking up a fork to eat the lasagna politely, whilst you began to eat the garlic bread alongside Steve who was just finishing his second piece.
"Pep, do we have any of that whiskey left?" Your dad questions as he stands up, obviously not able to survive one dinner without full-filling his alcohol addiction.
"It's in the living room kitchen, Tony - remember you got it back when you got back from that mission?" your mom reminded him as he left the room to go and retrieve it, causing your mom to roll her eyes and you to laugh, "Honestly, that man-"
"I still can't find it!" You hear a yell coming from the kitchen from your dad, and you see to your left Steve begin to chuckle to himself as you mom stands up and walks out the room, her too now yelling at him telling him he was blind and 'ruining the family dinner'.

"So, combat huh?" You turn to look at Steve who was cutting lasagna before eating it and turning to look at you, "You know I was surprised you didn't follow your in your dads shoes and get a mini Iron Suit, but I'm glad you decided to follow my influence instead-"
"You know?" You question looking at Steve in confusion. You knew you had told your dad, obviously, but was uncertain of how Steve had come to finding out the depth of the conversation.
"Yeah, you went to the toilet and your dad told me everything through FRIDAY, also telling me not to bring it up in front of your mother," Steve tells you, "I am actually looking forward to training you, you know? Like before was fun, but it was for fun, whilst this will be for real-"
"Are you ok with training me?" You ask him with a questioning tone, "I mean I don't want to cause any trouble or disturb you from your own training-"
"Are you kidding me? I've already made plans on how and when to train you and when's the best time to do it so your mom doesn't find out," Steve tells you, a smile forming across his face from his enthusiasm towards teaching you his ways of hand-to-hand combat.
"Well... thank's Steve," you thank him with a smile and a hug which he returns, the two of you breaking apart as your dad and mom re-enter the room.

"I told you it was in the living room kitchen," your mom tells your dad who was drinking his typical whiskey out of a glass, "And what did you do? Head straight for the mini bar!"
"Well that's because that's where it usually is and besides, it makes sense for it to be there than the kitchen," your dad argues back at her.
"I swear you don't even listen to me," your mom groans as she sits down in her spot, "I think you listen more to that AI FRIDAY than me, your own wife!-"
"Ok you two," Steve attempts to settle the argument down between your parents, "You found the booze, that's all that matters-"
"Yes, but it wasn't where I thought it would be-"
"And I told you where it was and you didn't listen to me!"
Steve looked at you and you laughed at his reaction, since his attempts at calming the situation probably had made it ten times worse as they continued having their petty argument over a bottle of over priced, dry whiskey.

But the argument is cut off when FRIDAY talks through the room, "There are some people at the front gate, Mr Stark."
"People? What do you mean people?" your dad questions, ending the argument between him and mom and causing you and Steve to look at one another in confusion.
"They have a parcel to deliver, for y/n Stark," instantly the attention is drawn to you and you awkwardly laugh aloud.
"Have you been ordering more shit online?" Your dad asks you as you continue to laugh, though your mom looks clearly annoyed since you had a bad online shopping habit.
"I must have done," you admit as you stood up, though you didn't remember what it was, "I'll go and collect it, let them in-"
"I don't like that," your mom admits as she looks at you, "I'd rather your dad went, y/n."
"Mom, it's a parcel, what's the worse that's going to happen?" You ask as you leave the room, your mom talking to your dad about it, though he too was telling your mom that you were old enough to 'go to the door alone' whilst Steve still ate his food, shaking his head at your parent's pettiness.

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