twelve || "isn't that... the HYDRA symbol?"

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You left the shipping container and stood at Peter's side, his hand interlocking with yours and giving it a comforting squeeze. You looked around together - every container on the ship was painted black and as you walked in the direction towards what you assumed was the middle of the ship so you could find the control centre to ring help, you noticed the same red symbol with a snake painted on the sides.
"Isn't that... the HYDRA symbol?" you asked Peter as he stoped, looking around him also. You could see his jaw clench and body tense as nodded his head to show you were correct.
"This isn't any old container ship," he says aloud before looking at you with an expression showing fear, "This entire ship is dedicated entirely to HYDRA - there must be some of their team on here to ensure all this shit and you are delivered and-"
"You two aren't meant to be out here," the two of you turn around to see a man dressed in all black walking towards you. He grabbed a metal pipe from the floor as he walked towards you, hitting it off his hand in an attempt to come across as intimidating and scare you, "The boss wouldn't appreciate knowing you two had escaped-"
"Well maybe if you had done a better job of securing us, we wouldn't be here," you confronted him with a snarl in your voice as you heard the footsteps of someone else approaching behind you as backup.
"Well, good job that that's what we're here to do," the man walks towards you, raising the pipe in order to hit you when Peter shoots a web at it and sends it flying out of his hand, before sending out multiple webs at the same guy in order to knock him down. You heard running behind you and as you turned, you saw the second guy approaching.
It was time to put to use that training Steve had taught you all that time ago as you kicked him in the chest and winded him, making him stumble back. He brushed off his top and began to walk forward again in an attempt to redeem himself, but you lunged forward, grabbing his outstretched arm and bending it back. He cried out in agonising pain as you continued to elbow him in the face and, as he stumbled back yet again, you took the opportunity to kick him once again in the face with your foot and knock him out cold, blood pouring from his nose and his arm bent in a weird, usual shape.

"Jesus christ," You looked behind you with a laugh as you pushed back your hair. Peter was staring at you with wide eyes in what only could be described as utter shock, "How come I never knew you could do that?!"
"Because Steve taught me well but dad never wanted me to get hurt," you tell Peter as you grab his hand, "Now come on, we need to get to the front of the ship and ring Tony before anything serious happens-"
"I hope you didn't want an easy escape," Peter tells you as you begin to run forward, dodging multiple HYDRA agents running towards you, Peter shooting webs at them to prevent them from approaching the two of you, "Because I don't think that'll be possible if we're facing HYDRA as a couple."
"I know dad had trouble fighting HYDRA when he was with Steve," you tell Peter, "And that was IronMan and a Super Soldier-"
"That's great," Peter sarcastically responded, "The two youngest Avengers left to fight a high tech corporation that even your dad and Steve struggled with. Nice."
You laughed at his comment as your second large wave of HYDRA agents came running at you, and once again you were full on fighting, using physical combat to bring them down and defeat them. At one point you was on one of their shoulders, pressing your thighs against their neck to cause them difficulty to breathe and as they collapsed forward, you jumped off and kicked them harshly in the balls, making them cry out as they face planted the ground unconscious.
"Mr Stark really must have wanted to protect you because you're so badass!" Peter told you as he walked towards you after the wave was over. He had another bleeding cut across his face and you put your hand to it and smiled, "We could have really used you in that Civil War ages ago-"
"We need to move on," you tell Peter, moving on both the conversation and your location to get to the middle of the ship again. In all honesty, you was glad you hadn't been involved in the Civil War as it was between your dad and your best friend, Godfather and Uncle-like figure Steve. As you had said before, it was a difficult time for everybody and staying out the way was where you felt you belonged as you had close connections to both sides.
All you could hope for now was that Steve or your dad would get along now and find you and Peter before something else happened.

The two of you continued until you found the entrance to the ships main base where the control centre would, hopefully, be upstairs. You quickly ran up the stairs, missing every other one to move at a faster pace and not being afraid to push past a few people associated with HYDRA and 'accidentally' knock them off over the handrails of the winding staircase. Besides, since they had no problem with kidnapping you and sending you illegally to South Korea, you had no problem if they broke their bones from the harsh drop to the ground.
"We're almost there," Peter tells me as we power forward, him too shooting a few webs to the stairs below us as even more HYDRA agents tried to catch up with us on the stairs.
You nod as you continued to climb. You're legs were beginning to hurt, especially this was the most you had walked on them since you had walked to get the parcel when you was back safe at the facility. But you ignored the pain, desperate to get to the top and call your dad to get help immediately.

Finally, you arrived and as you entered the large room, a few people sitting up there approached you. They also wore the HYDRA uniform and so you and Peter took them on, Peter shooting webs and sending them flying back away from you whilst you punched and kicked anyone who got too close. You cried out as you kicked them in their faces or torso's or wherever you could in order to weaken them and knock them out, Peter following suit as as kicked a couple here and there, though mainly used long-distance methods of combat.
"I think that's all of them," Peter informs you as he wipes his forehead from the combat. You nod too, pushing your hair out of your face as you walk forward towards the control panel.
"There has to be a phone here," you say to Peter as you continue to search, Peter moving to go stand by the entrance to the room incase anyone else tried to get in and sabotage your plans.
"What about on that wall?" Peter pointed to the white back wall where there was a phone hung up. You laughed and thanked him before running over, careful not to trip over someone who was webbed to the floor, blood dripping out of a wound on their head as they lay unconscious.
You picked up the phone and dialled your dads number, something your dad had made you learn off by heart for situations such as these. Your hands were shaking but there was a clear grin spread across your face as you put the ringing out phone to your ear, you muttering under your breathe as you begged for your dad to pick up and answer-

"Not so fast, y/n," and you turned around to see a few large men in the room. You paused as you saw one walk towards you, the same guy who had pushed you in the box, intimidated you in that room and even had knocked out Peter. The guy who had started this whole fiasco off.
And then there was two other guys behind him, one stood by the door glaring at you and another one holding Peter by the arms so he couldn't come forward and help you, though he was trying to pull himself out of the grip of the man as he pulled and cried out as he struggled.
"Drop the phone," he continued as he backwards towards Peter, still maintaining eye contact with you but also reaching into his pocket.
"Hello? Is this you Y/n? Please say it is!" you could hear a faint voice coming from the phone as you held it close to your ear. It sounded exactly like your dad, but you froze and was unable to respond as you watched him pull out a hand-gun and point it at Peter's head, also causing Peter to freeze his frantic movement as the barrel of the gun was pressed against his head.
"Drop the phone or your boyfriend gets it," he told you and you watch as he loads the gun, it clicking to confirm that, with one press of the trigger, Peter would be dead.

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