Chapter 14

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Austin's POV

I woke up in a haze, sweat slick sheets clinging to my legs. My head hurt. It hurt really fucking bad actually.

All I can remember from last night was Vic and Kellin making out, and how I could have been like that with Oli. Well if he actually showed up to my parties. Or actually even talked to me.

Plucking the sheets off my skin, I had an idea.

I got dressed as quickly as I could. School was due to start in half an hour, and half the people there would have pounding headaches and possible sickness, thanks to me and my awesome party.

The day passed in a blur. It was you're typical day, went to classes, ate lunch, socialised. I didn't take note of what was happening though, my head was too set in what was gonna happen later, and how I was gonna pull it off.

I counted down the hours, and then the minutes, and then the seconds. This was it.

I jumped into my Chevy and sped off, heading towards the record store.

Peering through the window at the front, I noticed him sat at the back again, playing that beautiful fender guitar of his.

"Hey" I said, striding over to where he was situated. He glanced up at me and smiled.

"Ah, hey. Austin, is it?" He beamed.

"Yeh aha hi" I literally couldn't stop smiling. Jesus Christ what was this boy doing to me. "You know, its funny, I see you around school all the time but I don't know your name..."

His smile faltered slightly, but he was grinning at me again in no time. "Its Alan. Alan Ashby. Urm, I didn't think you liked this kind of music?" He said, gesturing to all the albums that surrounded him.

I lowered my tone slightly, letting my words flow like dark silk. "There's a lot you don't know about me Mr.Ashby"

He smiled at me with a mischievous grin, something burning in his eyes. "Say that again... It turns me on" I grinned back, not only is this kid drop dead gorgeous, but he also has a really sick and sexual sense of humour, just like me. I was liking him more and more by the minute.

"Do you mind if I sit?" I asked, brushing off the dark and desirable feelings that were brewing deep in my stomach.

Clearing the beanbag next to him, he beamed up at me again "no no, not at all! Do you want a coffee or something? Donut? Dinner? Idk" he laughed "that last one was a joke...maybe..."

I glared at him. "I was joking?" He laughed. "Okay, urm... Coffee sounds good? Wait, where are you getting it from?"

"Coffee machine upstairs" he said as he got up from his beanbag.

"And you're aloud to just go and use it? Like whenever you want?" I questioned, wondering weather he was actually aloud to do that.

"Well I should hope so! This IS my shop you know!" He cried, walking across the room to where a dark wooden staircase lead up to a balcony, that was half the size of the shop itself. He leant over the railing and grinned at me.

"I wasn't joking by the way" he shouted down at me before pushing away from the banister and disappearing from sight.

"What?" I shouted back.

"What?" He shouted back, followed by a cute little laugh.

Damn this boy was gonna kill me.

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