Chapter 8

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Austin's POV

Everbody was having a brilliant time. Everbody except me.

It was an hour in, and the party was raging. The hallways were full of gyrating bodies and beer cans, there was no sight of Oli, and I had resorted to drinking in my own.

I greeted people as they walked through the door, people I didnt know, people I did.

Vic and Mike showed up, and Mike was drunk im no time. Vic seemed amused because I was playing the music he liked.

Vic was a nice guy, he seemed to have a strong circle of friends, but he was really closed off. He never went into detail about himself, and often slipped out of his group to seclude himself in his writing. I've heard he's amazing with lyrics, and apparently he's a brilliant kisser... but I dont know, ive never spoken to him. I'd admit he's attractive, but something tells me he's straight.

Mike? He's a fucking rebel. Spray painted his name on the side of the side of the new building at school last year. He's known for his bad temper, and his protectiveness over his older brother, even though Vic can clearly take care of himself. Mike.., how should I put this, gets around the ladies.

Kellin also arrived, looking hot as ever. Kellin was "out", and everyone knew it. No one ever bullied him for it tho, maybe it was just the fact everyone liked him. He was really outgoing, and oh my god I heard him sing In the school locker room and I swear I went hard.

Oh Austin why is everything so sexual to you?

Time for another drink.

Alex and Jack made an appearence, both really tipsy. I swear thy kissed a few times. I guess Alcohol turns people bi or something, actually I bet that could work in my favour.

Swinging around the house, I looked for people to interact with, and my eyes set upon Kellin.

"Hey" I said, slumping my alcohol weakened body against the wall.

Kellin looked at me, surprised, and replied "Uh hey Austin"

I smiled a sloppy smile. "Hows the party goin'?"

"Its going great! you really know how to throw a party" he retored, sloshing his drink around in his cup.

"So... im drunk..." I slurred, trying to hold my balance, but failing ever so sightly and spilling my drink down his shirt.

He gasped in shock.

"Jesus, im sorry Kel', come with me ill get you a new shirt" I motioned for him to follow me, but he stayed where he was, plucking at the soggy fabric of his shirt that was sticking to his beautiully defined body.

He gazed at me with a 'im-not-sure-wether-to-trust-you' look upon his face, but after a few more glances down at his wet shirt, he followed.

I lead him up one of the sets of stairs, and into my bedroom.

I motioned for him to stay by the door whilst rummaged through my closet.

"I didn't know that you liked this kind if music" Kellin said. He'd obviously seen my vast record collection.

I laughed, "theres a lot of things you dont know about me"

"oh really? like what?"

"nothing people can find out about, so im not gonna tell you." and with that I threw a shirt at him, one a similar colour to the one he was wearing.

"Put that on, but I want it back okay? You can't keep it" I laughed.

I caught him roll his eyes at me, and then he said "are you gonna watch me change shirts or?

I smiled, "if you want me to, I mean, I know you like male attention"

He looked at me like a wounded deer, and I instantly felt bad.

"im sorry I was only trying to make a joke" I said.

He walked over to my door, my tshirt in his hand, and glared at me.

"I didn't get it."

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