Chapter 9

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Kellin's POV

What the fuck was that.

I actually feel really insulted. First, that drunken idiot spilt his drink all over me, and then he insults my sexuality. This night was going great.

But then, my mood changed. I saw him gazing at me as I walked down the stairwell, and I took my time to notice the way he was leaning slightly on the marble pillar, drink in hand, smiling slightly at my appearance.

In an attempt to draw In his attention, I didn't walk towards him. Actually when I reached the bottom of the staircase, I shot a mischievous glance in his direction, and then turned to the left, walking through the hallway towards the back garden.

I checked behind me, and I could see him weaving through the crowd after me.

The one and only Vic Fuentes.

I pressed myself up against the wall and watched people pass by, even people who didnt go to our school were here, the place was well and truly packed.

"Hi" he said

"hey" I grinned back at him.

"for some strange reason, I really feel like we should hang out"

I laughed, "yeh I think that'd be cool"

I took a sip of my Jack Daniels, and looked at him.

"so, I saw you come out of Austin's room..."

"oh god, ahah, yeh, well basically he spilt his drink on me, and then made fun of the fact im batting for the other team"

Vic shot a look at me, "You're gay?"

I laughed again "you didn't know?"

He looked at me dead in the eyes, and spoke "nah, thas cool. Im gay too. But im not out yet, so its not something I talk about to random people"

"So im not just a random person?"

"No." His voice was measured, calm but stone solid. "You, my friend, are very special"

I couldent help but giggle.

"And you, my friend, are drunk."

I pushed myself off the wall, ready to walk off into the crowd, but then Vic grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me close to him.

"Dance with me" he teased, letting his fingers trail down my arm towards my hand, which he then grabbed.

I looked down at our entwined fingers and blushed. "okay"

We walked to the back garden, and found a space to dance among the massive group of drunken teenagers. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit began to play over the shouts of the people, and it was perfect.

I placed my arms around his neck, and he put his hands on my hips, andwe began swaying our bodies in time with the music.

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