Chapter 11

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Austin's POV

Jesus christ, I think I just made Kellin Quinn hate me.

I didnt mean it, not at all. Why the hell would I take the piss out of him being gay when im the one that's stuck in the closet? it dosent make any sense to me.

Walking into the front room, I wriggled my way through the sea of bodies trying to find Kellin to apologise.

Five minutes later I had cruised around the whole of the house that was within bounds, talked to numerous people along the way and drank a lot more. And then j spotted some of my football team in the Kitchen, and they shouted me over.

"Austin Fam!!" Matty shouted "do shots with us!"

I couldn't stand up properly, let alone resist.

Five shots later and I was gone. Wiping my sticky hands across my mouth, my feet dragged me into the garden.

What I was seeing j really couldent put my finger on.

I saw Vic and Kellin kissing eachother like their lives depended on it, hands tangled in hair and shirts, and flicking tounges with soft lip bites.

Damn I wanted that.

Looking around, all I could see were people kissing, and me? Well I was just stood here, drunk, and incredibly lonely.

I thought about Oli, where he could be if not here, and if he ever thought about me. I thought about the guy from the music store. I thought about running to him, curling up nexto him and just listening to the music that flowed from his fingertips.

It was now going on 11, and people would be leaving soon because afterall it was Thursday, and they had to be in school tomorrow. I mean, only I could throw bangin' party like this on a school night and get away with it.

I think that tomorrow, im gonna go to the record store again.

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