Update (Truly Important message)

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It's been like 2 years since I've started this book- I don't know how this book got this big or could of never guessed how many people enjoy it. And I have to say I am grateful and honored for that. I've grown over these past months as well, hence I don't know what to do with this book. I don't know if I should continue it, end it, or do something else with it. I read back these stories sometimes and cringe- I hate reading the things I wrote if I completely honest. I feel like I could of put in more effort or could of tried other ways to develop the plot. I was around late 13 or 14 when I started this book. Youngin huh? I have gone completely filled with writers block since then. You have no clue, especially cause I'm not as much obsessed or involved into kpop as much as I was before. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a few songs here and there.
In conclusion I'm utterly lost of what I should do with this book. So suggest something, or any ideas on if I should continue or not? Ill make sure to read the comments (like I still do on my old chapters) to see what the choice is. Bye till then- 🤙🏻✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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