The Group Gets Closer

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Bonnie's POV:

    Damon was worried, it didn't take a genius to figure that out. However, Bonnie on the other hand instantly knew because she could feel it in her own gut. She could feel his worry, his anger and his annoyance rolled into one. She reached a hand out to stroke his smooth pale arms. He visibly relaxed and leaned into the touch. From the corner of her eyes Bonnie could see Elena scowling, but she didn't care. At this point Bonnie had no doubt that Damon was hers, so she wasn't going to hide her feelings to spare Elena.

    "I think I know where they are," Bonnie stated making Damon go stiff again. "Caroline mention that they are going to Miami to have some sort of party. She was invited by the host himself..... As his date." Everyone rose one eyebrow.

    "I guess we found our invitation." Damon grumbled sarcastically. Bonnie gave him a look. "What? How do we even know Caroline is going to help us."

    "Well first off she's my friend, and you're my boyfriend so she has to be nice to you." He smiled at the word boyfriend and Bonnie made note of that. "Secondly she cares about Stefan too. You know they really have become closer." Elena groaned at that. Bonnie gave her a look.

    "Fine, call Barbie." He went back in his room and grabbed his leather coat. "I'll go check the Mikaelson Mansion." Bonnie stopped him before he could walk out the door and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

    "Be safe, ok?" Bonnie told him with worry in her voice. Damon smile and leaned in for another kiss this time making it last longer.

     "I'll be fine. I'm Damon Salvatore, remember?" She playfully rolled her eyes.

    "Ok, bye," Elena practically shouted at Damon. Damon gave her mockingly look and was about to leave, but was stopped by Matt.

    "Wait. What if he's not there? Bonnie needs some of your blood to use a locator spell." Damon nodded in agreement.

    "Just do what you have to do to get Stefan back," Elena grumbles causing a scoff from Damon.

    "What does that mean?" Elena barked.

    "Guyyysss," Matt interrupted trying to get them to stop but to no avail.

    "What I mean is you-."


    That's all Bonnie heard. She could see their mouths moving, but couldn't hear a word they were saying. Then her vision began to blur and her head felt like her brain got up and started spinning. She tried to call out to Damon, but she couldn't speak. Her throat was dry. But she didn't have to. Damon could feel her need for his attention and could feel her starting to become weak. Through the blurs she could see Damon taking a step closer to her and moving his mouth. But again she couldn't hear him. Then everything went black.

     Bonnie woke to a major headache. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around expecting to see a worried Damon. But when she opened her eyes, she was in some kind of cell. She looked down and realized her arms were tied up to a wooden chair. It was covered in blood and it was hard to tell if it was her blood, but she had a feeling it was. Through the blood she could see that her arms were manlier than before. And she wasn't this color before. Her arms were pale! Starting to panic she pulled on the ropes. But it stung even more. A familiar scent came to her nose and she realized that the rope was soaked in vervain. She tried calling out to someone, but it came out as a painful groan.

    "Look who's awake." She heard a British female voice coming from the left side of the cell giggled. She turned to see no other than Rebekah Mikaelson. "You know Stefan, I've always wondered if we would get back together. But seeing you sit taking everything I give you reminds me how weak you are. It's a bit of turn off, really." Stefan?! She was in Stefan's body!! This was probably a vision. But if this was a vision, how can she controlled Stefans body. Wait a second.... She had an idea. She started to speak but realized that she had a something stuff in her/Stefan's mouth. She motioned for Rebekah to take it out. She sighed clearly annoyed and reluctantly took it out.

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