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Kevin’s POV

I’m worried about Nicole.

I can’t say I’ve had to say that sentence in my life. Nic has always been able to look after herself. She’s my other half, my partner in crime since the womb. I don’t know what’s going on with her lately.

She was so excited to get out. Counting down the days  her excitement was infectious and even on the day she was grinning at me so wide that I thought her jaw would ache. Her happiness changed.

The picture on the laptop has something to do with it. I’m certain. When she looked at it all the joy seemed to be sucked out of her. Fear, shock and another emotion I can’t quite place had been swimming across her face as she’d stared at the photo.

I’ve never felt so close yet so far away from Nicole.

I walk over to the window and look out. Nic is sitting there, head lolling against the wall, staring at something on the ground. She seems so sad and alone and I —

I don’t  know what to do.

“What can I do Nic? What do you need?” I whisper, looking down at her from the window. I lean my head against the cook glass and close my eyes.

Laughter rips through the air as Nic runs around the house. She couldn’t be more than 7, grabbing my arm and tugging me along.

I smile sadly at the memory. To my horror, my vision become blurred after I open my eyes. I sit down on the window sill, tears spilling over. I look in Nic's general direction before making my decision to go outside once more.

“Nic?” I call out to her once I open the front door. She turns towards me, eyes widening with shock as she takes in the tears rolling down my face.

“Kevin? What’s wrong?” she asks, standing up to look at me properly. I don’t respond, wrapping my arms awkwardly around her. She freezes for a moment before relaxing into the hug.

This is new.

"I uh, are you okay?" Nicole mumbles into my shoulder. I shake my head and close my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. She pulls away from me and her warmth begins to seep away. I don't open my eyes. I feel soft hands cup my face as Nicole wipes at a few of the tear tracks on it.

"It's going to be okay Kevin. I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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