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It's been five years. Five long and boring years stuck in this prison. Sure, it wasn't exactly bad, but doing the same thing, all day, everyday? It drained the life out of me.

Nicole has been super excited since we found out the date we were getting out. July 19th. She counted down the days, and I couldn't help but join in with her, she was so eager to leave.

Before the massacre, life had been gamelike to me. Trying to see how far it would get to push Eva over the edge, it was fun. But something changed when we came to prison. It was probably the meds we were forced to take, but I started seeing Eva differently.

I could see why she was acted like how she did. Eva hadn't wanted to become a mother, and giving birth to twins wouldn't have been easy. Plus we did go out of our way to make her life harder, though it was mainly me. Nic was more of a accomplice than a scheming, brattish mastermind.

Still, July 19th. It's only a week away from now, and I'm looking forward to it. Finally being free sounds like a godsend to me. Plus seeing Nic happy is a plus. One thing I wish I didn't have do was take the meds, but unfortunately they're non-negotiable until we're off probation, which isn't going to be for a pretty long time.

I look up from the plate in front of me in the lunch hall and see Nicole beaming at me, her eyes shining with glee. I raise an eyebrow at her and she laughs quietly, shaking her head. My lips curve into a smile, and her own grin gets impossibly wider.

"One week Kev. A week and we're free from all of this." She says, and I nod, a sense of happiness washing over me for the first time in years.

Hey guys, I know it's been a while but here's the next chapter. Hopefully I should update soon.

Freedom - Nicole KhatchadourianWhere stories live. Discover now