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I kind of missed Eva after that day, and when I had looked over at Kevin, I knew he did too.

We got moved to a different prison as we had turned eighteen a few months prior to the anniversary, and it wasn't too different from the one we staying in before, apart from the fact that it was bigger, it was an adult prison and it had a lot more security.

The four years had dragged on for what felt like forever. Days passed, and then weeks, which eventually turned into months.

I still remember the first night like it was yesterday.

It was the first night Kevin and I had not slept in the same room, and I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, my heart pounding. A sob escaped my lips as I searched for my brother, and I was alone in the cell. I cried myself back to sleep that night.

After that night I slowly begun to get used to the routine, and we saw Eva at the end of the first month. It was a quiet visit, but it wasn't as awkward as it used to be. Eva talked to us about her new house, and how it had an extra bedroom for when we got out. Kevin smiled at her slightly, a real smile, and her eyes widened, though she was still smiling even as she left.

They spoke to us a week before we were allowed to leave. 

It was a big meeting, and Eva didn't stop smiling the entire time the people in the room talked. Kev seemed to be paying close attention to our predicament, but I was too happy to listen, and I knew he would tell me later.

We were getting out of there, and that was all I cared about.

Freedom - Nicole KhatchadourianWhere stories live. Discover now