Chapter 10

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"My last session? I do not understand your Majesty"

"Elpis, you've done more than enough for this Kingdom. I have made all the preparations already. Before the war start, you should leave."

Her face contorted into confusion. "I do not understand....." she repeated.

"Having you here was more than helpful, you've done much for this Kingdom for long, please allow me to thank you" he continued and bowed, "this is but little payment, it will not atone for the sins we've committed."

She stood there watching him bowed and continued to apologize to her. She didn't know that he would allow her to finish her task this quick. Elpis quickly touched her cheeks for drips of water had touched her there. The water did not stop, she traced her hands to where the water came from, and finally realized that tis her own tears. Someone had finally apologized.....Elpis scoffed and cried at the unthinkable situation. She did not know twill be this fast.

Being in Elpis's presence these past weeks made him understand that she was not the emotionless woman he had saw when he was young.

When he first saw her confused face, he was quite happy that she can change her expressions. Afterwards, he witnessed her worry face, and now she's crying. She felt so much more than what she led others to believe. He knew that he should do the right thing. Though, he won't see her again.

She looked up at him, "Why!?" she yelled for the first time, "You and your kingdom and everyone here will die!" she went towards him and waited for him to look at her. "Why not use me until the end, why not sacrifice me to save everyone!" the emotions that she's been holding up this whole time burst out.

He reached out to held her hands, "Elpis..." he called her name softly.

Unable to control her feelings, she bawled and slumped down, "Sniff, sniff....why now.....?" she whispered.

He knelt down beside her, "You've suffered more than enough. Think you, I have not seen that something was amiss when I saw you! The first time I saw you 22 years ago, your eyes looked different from everyone. When I saw you again, three weeks ago, I had my suspicion. The poison incident had me convinced that you are only losing for this Kingdom and if you continued mayhaps much more!"

"What do you care!" she pushed his hands away, "Everyone had taken, and kept taken..." she suddenly stopped and something finally dawn on her. "You! You set me up!" she yelled and pushed him but he didn't budge. She begin hitting his chest, "Sniff, so what if I've lost my sight! I've already lost everyone!!!! What do I"

He pulled her into his arms and held the knot in his throat. He will have to pay for the sins his family had committed. She has already suffered for a very long time. When his real mother passed away, twas the first time he knew what pain is. And when he found out his father's contempt for him, he was assailed with questions and hurt. But when his step mother betrayed him that in itself was enough to make him fall and break. He cannot fathom how she can still hold herself together for this long. "I'm sorry Elpis for deceiving you about the incident. If I did not do that, I would never be able to confirm my suspicion."

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