Chapter 6

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"Your Majesty!"

He looked towards the door and saw Elpis walking into the room with guards following her. Their weapons were pointed at her. He stood up from his chair.

"We've already told her your Majesty. But she would not listen" one of the guards said.

"Put your weapons down!" he directed at the guards. They all immediately did as ordered.

Elpis turned to look at everyone, "I have to apologize for my behavior" Elpis bowed her head towards the guards. "It must seem odd to you all. But tis concerning the life of his Majesty, so I have to act with haste".

The guards looked at Lady Elpis. They were taken aback when she bowed to apologize. They never thought that she would bowed and apologized to them.

"I apologize Lieutenant Naeus for going against your orders, I hope you do not hold this as a grudge" she turned towards the leader and bowed again.

Lieutenant Naeus drew his brow together, but nodded his head.

Elpis turned towards the King, "Your Majesty, can you please set that cup down"

The king looked at the cup in his hand and turned to look at her, then back at the cup again. "I have reasons to believe that tis poisoned" she told him.

He looked at her then nodded his head. "Naeus lead everyone out, called for the physician"

"Yes your Majesty" Naeus answered.

A man quickly rushes in, "Your Majesty, are you alright!"

The King looked at the man and nodded his head.

"Milady?" Luned asked from behind her. She turned and nodded her head for Luned to leave as well.

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