Chapter 4

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"Take half of your men out to scout" the King ordered.

Elpis stood there as the scene paused. She walked towards the King and the scene suddenly changed.

"Charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the person right next to her yelled and raised his sword up. People ran past her charging towards the other group. She waved her hand to change the scene, for she does not want to see blood.

What appeared in front of her was fire and corpses lying on the ground. The burnt smell of flesh wafted past her. She quickly closed her eyes and tried to calm her beating heart. She begin to sweat, her hands were starting to shake. Do not look at the ground, she told herself. Elpis swallowed her nerves down and opened her eyes. Tis alright, this is part of the bargain. Elpis waved her hand again to change the scene.

The scene in front of her suddenly changed to pitch darkness. She stood there as silence stretches out in front of her. "He is....." she heard the whisper next to her.

"Hehehehehehe" the laughter rang in the far darkness. Elpis snapped her finger and a fire ball appeared next to her. Stepping into this realm could be dangerous as well. People could get trapped in the darkness forever and not be able to find their way back.

"He is....." a beautiful woman with wavy red hair appeared in front of her.

"He is....." she repeated and smiled. Elpis stood there unmoving.

"He is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the woman shouted and transformed into a dark, slouching creature. It crawled towards her, "He is...." it's voice spoken in a whisper right in front of her face. She stood facing it without blinking her eyes. It's eyes were dark with no depths.

"Hehehehehe" it laughed and opened its mouth to swallow her. She stood in her spot unmoving and unblinking as the darkness ate her.

"He is a good for nothing!"

"Shhhh, do not speak those words, the walls have ears. He is also your son."

"Everyone in the whole kingdom knows that all he does is dally his life away! What can he do!"

"Your Majesty. As your Queen, I forbid you to use words that twill soil his reputation. One day, he shall become King"

"Silence!" the King yelled. "For as long as I am alive, he shall not have the liberty to put our Kingdom to doom. I shall make sure that he will not become King." Once he heard these words he clenched his jaw and held in his emotion.

His mother gasped in surprised when she noticed him. She quickly made her way towards him, "Asar your father does not meant what he said".

Asar forced a smile then nodded his head in greeting towards his father, "Your Majesty". His father did not reply back, instead he looked at Asar with eyes full of contempt, "This matter is done, we shall not discuss it farther" he said and left the room.

His mother watched his father exit then turned towards Asar. Asar smiled at her.

"Dear, you know that I shall always support you"

"Do not worry mother dear, that is not something that I desire" he said and led his mother away from the door and towards the couch. "And I've come here especially to let you know that I've got your birthday gift"

He opened his eyes and smiled at her, "Now, that was quite harsh of you" he winked and crossed his arms. "So have you found anything?"

Elpis nodded her head, "61 days from now, the march to cross your border shall come"

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