29.The Conversation

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~It is important to know when to let go and it's equally important to know when to not!~

Nandini opened her eyes to her husband stroking her cheeks with the back of his knuckles. An immediate smile formed on her face, as she rolled to her side and placed her head in the hollow of his neck.

"Good morning Husband", she smiled into his chest as she felt him kissing the back of her shoulder.

"Good morning Wifey!", his morning voice was her favourite, the sound making knots in her stomach. He could feel her smile on his bare skin as his finger travelled down the length of her spine.

"The night was beautiful or is it the morning?", Manik questioned, nearly biting her ear as she squirmed in his hold. Every breath of his that fanned her skin made her go all mushy and jelly like.

"The morning can be more beautiful if-", she rolled out, lying on her back as he smirked and leaned into her.

"If?", oh, the love of teasing his wife was something Manik could never get enough of. But then, he always underestimated Nandini because Nandini didn't wait to answer him. Instead she pulled him down, kissing him on his lips.

One minute she was softly pecking his lips, and the other minute Manik had taken over, no softness this time. It was rough but passionate enough to burn her insides with a raw desire, demanding but careful enough to not hurt her, and loving enough to make her feel like the most beautiful women on earth.

They broke the kiss panting for breath, and Manik moved aside, lying down beside her, his breaths shallow but frequent as he gasped for air. Nandini involuntary blushed as she pulled the covers up, covering both of them while Manik too had a sly smile on his face.

It took her sometime to notice all the marks and redness over her skin, and his. She blushed again, remembering the wildness which was also when it striked her.

Should not Manik have had a bad hangover?

She turned to face him, plopping on her elbow while Manik had his eyes closed. She noticed his hairs were slightly wet, and that he looked seemingly fresh. She also saw that he was wearing a different boxer than yesterday. Did that mean-?

"Stop staring, though it's hot", Manik chuckled with eyes closed, and that made Nandini rest her head on the pillow immediately, embarrassed and shy.

"I woke up good two hours before you. Had a hot shower, some breakfast, coffee and aspirin to handle the hangover, before lying beside you again", he spoke with eyes still closed, a mean smirk dancing on his face while he pictured Nandini's exact reaction, which would be huge open mouth, wide eyes as she stared at him unblinking.

"What? Why?", Nandini exclaimed, and he finally opened his eyes, looking at her as he put his weight on one elbow.

"Actually-", he bit his lip while Nandini continued to look at him, raising her eyebrows, "I was afraid I won't remember our special night", he answered sheepishly, biting his cheeks inside, "so I thought we can start our morning with another round", he winked at her, making her blush, as she scooted closer to cuddle him and then whined.

"Manik!", he started laughing hearing her, these moments when she would go all shy, he absolutely adored her.

"But, when I was having the shower, I realised I remembered it, bits and pieces but I did, so-", he left it incomplete, smiling again while Nandini decided to not look at him at all, hiding her face entirely in his body.

"For example, Like this small mole you have just beneath your belly button", Manik was having the time of his life teaisng her, as his knuckles softly caressed her bare skin of the abdomen and Nandini immediately squirmed at his touch, "or the way you pulled me up to kiss me again while I was-", Manik continued in a huskier tone, trying to get a reaction out of her. He could literally see her red cheeks.

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