2. The Marriage!

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~ A girl needs the most courage to leave her own house behind for a stranger one, and a boy needs the courage to welcome a stranger in his house and heart, and love her like family~

Standing in front of the mirror, Manik buttoned up his sherwani, his eyes not reflecting the joy that was out and around him. It was the D-day today, it was his marriage with her, Nandini, and yet, he was more scared then happy. Three weeks had just flown by since the day she agreed for this alliance. He wasn't still certain why though, but once she said yes, Mr Murthy gave no chance for any argument for him. No choices given, no explanations heard. The date was fixed, and the preparations had begun just like that.

Sighing, he walked out of his room, to be welcomed by a huge smile and a bottle of champagne.

"Congratulations brother!", Abhik, his colleague and the closest thing he had as a friend hugged him, and for the first time in the evening, Manik found himself smiling. Accepting the wishes, he was about to thank him when the chef called Abhik, and he ran that side, leaving Manik alone. Manik found himself exhaling, as he fought the tears ready to spill out. He missed them dearly today, his parents and his, best friends, well the people he thought were his best friends.

A message tone broke his train of thoughts. And when he scrolled down the screen to read it, a sad smile formed on his face. It had been years since there had been any message in that WhatsApp group~ Fab5. Today, it was a formal wish from Mukti, his first Friend ever, wishing him a happy marrige and apologising for not being able to attend. Gradually, the group lit up, with similar messages from Kabir, Dhruv and Aliya too. Manik sighed again as he replied with a formal thank you, and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he saw Abhik and his parents, running around, instructing everyone like it was their own family function. His sane mind chided him. Why spoil your mood for those who don't care, rather than smiling for those who do?

His thoughts were put to a halt by Mrs  Chatterjee, Abhik's mother, who put a black dot behind his nape, from the Kohl of her eyes.

"My boy looks so handsome! I bet the bride is going to faint!", She giggled making others laugh, while Manik blushed.

"Maa!", He tried to divert the topic, and everyone again laughed at his feeble attempt, but gave in and started to get the Barat going.

Mrs Chatterjee knew Manik more than anyone else, even Abhik. He was closest to her, after his own mother had passed away. She knew he was skeptical about this marriage, about Nandini. She knew people had ruined him, but she was hoping Nandini would revert it, and bring back the Manik his mother talked about. So she kissed his forhead, tying the turban around his head, ready to go bring the bride.


Nandini stood fixing her nose pin as the girls around her fixed the dupatta around her head. She looked ethereal in her pink wedding dress, with the makeup highlighting her doe shaped eyes, she had kept her hairs open and not in a bun like usual brides.

Her heart was beating faster than usual though, and she was nervous. In the last three weeks since she had given her consent for the marriage, Manik had time and again tried to ask her if she had any pressure, or if she wanted time. Also, why exactly had she agreed to marry him. She had denied his first two questions and dodged the last one, for she wasn't sure herself. Sometimes it confused her, for apparently he was in love with her and he was only more reluctant for the marriage. In short, she was going to be hitched with a gem hearted, but weird guy. The thought made her giggle, and she quickly hid it not wanting to be teased by the army of people and aunts around her. There was already enough drama since her Appa had declared to do the wedding the punjabi way and not the South Indian one. The noises outside were enough to let her know that the Barat had arrived, so finally it was time.


Neelesh welcomed Manik with a hug, and moist eyes. No matter what, he was going to trust him with his life, his beloved daughter, and it made him emotional. Manik bent to touch his feet, and then hugged him.

" I promise Sir, I will do everything I can to keep her happy!", He kept his hands on Neelesh's hands who was overwhelmed already.

"Don't call me Sir, call me Appa!", Now it was Manik's turn to get sentimental and he did, and Abhik had to crack his lamest joke ever to lighten the situation.

Once sitting in the mandap, Manik felt his heart beat like anything when his eyes stopped on the gorgeousness coming down the stairs with her Appa. Her face was glowing, her eyes shining, and she looked every bit of the beauty she was, and Manik was thrilled. It is one thing to love someone, and it's a whole level of new to see the person you love as your bride. He stood up when she reached, giving her his hand to enter the mandap.

Nandini's friends and cousins cooed at that, while she blushed, giving her hand to him, with a promise in her heart to never leave that hold. Manik helped her sit, and then the preist started with the holy mantras. Manik and Nandini both sat still, but their peripheral visions were busy, stealing glances at each other.

When the preist asked both to stand up for the garland exchange, Neelesh helped Nandini with the garland while Mrs Chatterjee helped Manik. He put it on her first and everybody clapped, but when it was Nandini's turn, she fidgeted with it, for it wasn't posible for a five feet girl to put it on a six feet one' guy. Manik saw her face, and without thinking anything, he immediately bent to help her and a surprised Nandini put in on him.

Didn't it happen only in movies? Her mind was stuck! Was she really living a fairy tale? Nandini raised her eyes to look at her Appa who was already looking at her with proud eyes, approving his own choice.

Soon they had their Pheras, where Manik helped Nandini again by holding her hand, guiding her through since he could see she was having trouble with her lehnga. After her Appa did the Kanya daan, Manik filled Nandini's parting who immediately closed her eyes, letting the feeling sink in. Manik was overwhelmed too, he was married man now, with a responsibility.

As the newly wed started taking blessings from their elders, the world saw the tough and shrewd lawyer cry for the first time holding his daughter. It made Nandini cry too and the duo had some very emotional moments.

"Manik I am trusting you with my life, just take care of her! She might behave as a kid sometimes, but I have always treated her as my princess. Forgive her and-", Neelesh broke down mid sentence, crying heavily and Nandini wiped his tears.

Manik held his hands and giving him an assuring smile.

"I promise Appa, I will treat her like a queen!", Nandini and Neelesh both looked at Manik startled, and soon the tears in their eyes reflected happiness.

After Neelesh, the couple walked towards Mr and Mrs Chatterjee, who blessed the couple with all their might.

"You have got a gem Nandini, but you will need to polish him a little", Mrs Chatterjee spoke in Nandini's ears, as she hugged her and Nandini blinked, not getting exactly what she meant, but she was mature enough to understand that it was for her own good.

Finishing all the rituals and programs, Manik was ready to leave with Nandini who was a crying mess. She cried holding her father, not ready to go.

"I don't want to  marry Appa. I will stay with you?", She sobbed as neelzg6 wiped his own tears, ruffling her hairs.

" You are already married beta, and I know you will be happy in your new home!", He tried to console her, breaking down himself.

After a lot of struggle, Nandini got settled in the car, leaving behind a world of her own, and ready to create another one, while Manik sat with her, unconsciously rubbing her hand, soothing her, welcoming her in the fortress of his heart.

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