Dinner with Fel and Syd

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Abby's POV

Just like I had thought, a few hours after Hannah left my apartment my dad called.

"Abigail," he sighed, not hiding his disappointment. I couldn't help but notice that the tone of his voice was the same tone he used when I would come home after curfew.

I only did that once and I was barely a minute late.

"Hannah told me," he started, but I wasn't in the mood for another lecture from him.

"I'm not having this argument with either one of you again. I will say this one last time; I am not planning the wedding until Caleb is home. Also, I am not allowing my step-monster to interfere with mine or Caleb's life. I know you don't understand, but I don't care anymore. If you keep trying to interfere or find a way to sneak yourself into this, you won't be getting an invitation."

"You can't stop your father from coming to your wedding," he challenged.

"Try me."

He was silent, my heartbeat echoing in my ear. I held my breath as I heard him clear his throat.

"If that is the attitude you are going to have, then I won't give you my blessing."

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Hate to break it to you, dad, but this isn't the 1800s. I don't need your permission to marry the love of my life. If I want to marry Caleb, I will. I know how finding the one you want to spend the rest of your life with is like a sport to you, but it's serious to me. Besides, Caleb has been in my life since high school. If you really didn't like him, you wouldn't have allowed him to be in my life this long. I love Caleb and I know he loves me. I am going to marry him. This wedding, this marriage, is happening with or without you."

"Well then," he cleared his throat. "Let me know when you want our help."

I bit my tongue, tears burning my eyes. "I will let you know if I want your help."

After that conversation, I hung up the phone and angrily threw it on my bed. I left it there as I walked to the kitchen to get myself a much-needed drink. I started to reach for the half-opened bottle of white wine but grabbed a cold beer instead.

I was ten episodes in on Arrow and three beers in my system when I heard the faint sound of my phone ringing upstairs. I got up, my knees shaky from the beers, and headed upstairs. By the time I got there, my phone had stopped ringing.

I was about to turn around and head back downstairs to watch Oliver fight Deathstroke when my phone started ringing again. I sighed as I walked over and leaned down to pick it up.


"Hey, honey." Felicia's sweet voice echoed through the speaker. "You sound tired."

"Yeah," I said, clearing my throat. "I haven't umm I haven't been sleeping much and I keep fighting with my dad about. . ." My voice broke as the tears threatened to stream down my cheeks.

I hadn't talked to Felicia since she took me to the support group. She's texted me here and there to check-in, but that's it.

"Why don't you come over tonight?" She offered. "Syd has been asking about you. I think focusing on your welfare is helping distract her from missing her dad."

"That's," I sighed, not really sure what else to say to her.

"Honey," Felicia sighed. "I know it's been rough with Caleb being gone. Trust me, I understand how hard it is. The only reason I get through it is because I have Syd. I just want to be there for you. Come over tonight. We'll eat dinner, maybe make some cookies, watch a movie, and just relax. Besides, it'll be good for you to get out of your apartment and go somewhere other than work."

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