Keep Fighting

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Caleb's POV

Emergency protocol states that during an accident, workers were to make their way to the lifeboats. If the loading dock is in any way destroyed, the next place they should work their way towards is above deck for check-in.

The bottom six floors of the rig were already fully underwater which meant the only way to get to the lifeboats was going above deck.

Mike, Jimmy, and I were slowly making our way there. Our path was limited due to the fires blocking the easiest path. Not only were we dodging fires, but we were also dodging holes in the ground and fallen ceiling parts. Which when you have a fractured ankle is hard.

I tried to tell them to go on without me, but they were stubborn.

"You're crazy if you think we're leaving you," Jimmy scoffed.

"Yeah," Mike smirked. "I promised Abigail I'd bring you home. And that's exactly what I intended to do. Besides, Felicia would kill me if I let anything happen to you."


My thoughts never wavered from my fiancé back home, waiting to hear if I was okay. She was the only reason I was able to keep pushing myself forward. If it wasn't for her, I would've given up a long time ago.

We were almost to the top floor when the rig started to shake again. We all fell to the ground when a piped exploded close to us. We tried to take cover as we waited for the fire to subside.

When we had thought that it had stopped, the shaking started again and the floor cracked open. Before I could do anything, Jimmy pushed me out of the way. Mike caught me as we fell to the ground. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see the flooring give out and Jimmy fall with it.

"No!" I yelled. Mike held me back, slowly pulling me up to my feet.

"We gotta keep moving, Caleb," Mike said shakily.

As we tried to get above deck as quickly as possible, I couldn't get the look of fear that quickly flashed across Jimmy's face before he fell. He just saved my life, risking his in the process.

I felt numb when we finally got to the top deck. Mike quickly took me over to get medical attention before running over towards the group. As they wrapped my ankle, I was still in shock. I could hear Mike yelling, talking to the remaining survivors.

He was calling out names, waiting for their responses. I heard him calling out my name, but I couldn't find my voice to speak up. He sighed before calling out the next name.

"Alright, I need you all to listen carefully. We have enough lifeboats. We need to get to them and get a safe distance away from the rig."

The next thing I knew, we were all being shuffled across the deck and onto the boats. The second each seat was full, a boat moved aside so the next one could get loaded. I ended up on a boat with Mike.

I looked down, my hands shaking. "You okay?" I heard him whisper as he gently kicked my foot. I looked up at him sitting across from me and nodded, unable to form any words.

"He died," I said slowly and under my breath. "Because of me."

"Hey," he said leaning his elbows on his knees. "He knew what he was doing. He was making sure you made it home to Abigail. Jimmy and I both made you and her that promise."

I looked back down at my bruised, smoke covered hands. My stomach dropped as we started rowing away from the rig. I looked over my shoulder to see nothing but flames and smoke.

I closed my eyes, taking a shaky breath as I forced myself to think about something else. Someone else.

A smiling image of Abby popped into my brain. I tried to calm my breathing as I thought of her. She was the only thing helping me hold on. She was the only reason why I was still fighting.

I felt the waves rocking our small boat as I thought only of Abigail.

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