Answer That Call

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Abby's POV

I woke up on Felicia's couch the next morning with Sydney in my arms. I didn't move, scared I would wake her up. Instead, I laid there thinking about Caleb and our baby.


"Can I confess something to you?" Caleb asked as we sat in my apartment.

I was supposed to be studying but we were watching a movie instead. I had just had a huge fight with my dad when Caleb called. He heard how upset I was and drove over as quickly as he could.

"Of course," I smiled as I sat up, out of his hold, and turned towards him. I tucked my knees under myself as he hesitated.

"I can. . . I've been thinking about us a lot lately and I. . . The thing is. . ."

"Caleb," I giggled, poking his ribs. I smiled when he jumped, sending me a playful glare. "Just spit it out."

"I love you," he said quickly. I smiled as I grabbed his hand.

"I know, babe. You told me that back in high school."

"I'm not finished," he said, sending me a teasing look. I laughed as I gestured for him to continue.

"I love you, Abby. With everything I've got and. . . And I can easily see myself spending the rest of my life, every day until I die, with you. I can see us getting married, starting a family of our own, and growing old together. And I. . . I want that, Abs. I want to be next to you for the rest of my life."

I smiled, happy tears begging to fall as I sat up and pressed my lips to his. Our lips continued to move in sync as he pulled me over so I was straddling his hips. When neither one of us could breathe, I was the first to pull away.

"I love you, with everything I've got too," I smiled. "And I would be happy to spend the rest of my life with you, as your wife and the mother to your children."

I giggled as he suddenly pressed his lips to mine. Caleb laid us down on the couch, hovering over me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. We pulled away and pressed our foreheads to each other.

"I love you," we said at the same time. "With everything I've got."


I snapped out of the memory as I felt Sydney turn in my arms. I looked down at her and watched as her eyes fluttered open.

"Morning, Abby."

"Morning, kiddo," I smiled as I tucked a piece of her hair out of her face.

"Did you get any sleep?" She mumbled as she snuggled into my chest. I smiled as I started to play with her hair.

"More sleep than I've gotten in months."

* * * * *

We were quiet as we made breakfast, moving around the kitchen without a word. As we ate our pancakes, we still hadn't spoken.

Sydney was the only one who was able to eat. Felicia slowly sipped her coffee while I drew designs in my syrup with my fork. I kept thinking about that memory from earlier.

I'm not sure why but saying, "I love you. With everything I've got." became Caleb's thing. He would say that he loved me with everything he had to show me just how much he loved me.

It became our thing. Saying it seemed fitting. We didn't just love each other. We loved each other with our whole heart, our whole soul, our whole being. There was nothing in this world that I loved more.

Except our baby. I will love our child just as much as I love him. If Caleb can't love our child, I will love our boy or girl enough for the both of us.

I jumped out of my thoughts when the phone started ringing. Felicia looked at me with wide eyes, thinking the same thing I was.

This could be the phone call we've been waiting for since we first saw the sinking on the news. I watched as she hesitated before finally answering.


I held my breath as the other person on the line spoke.

"Yes, this is Mrs. Williams."

My heart jumped when she covered her mouth, tears in her eyes. Syd looked up at me, hope in her eyes. I reached over and grabbed her hand, sending her a reassuring smile.

"Thank you," Felicia whispered. "Thank you so much. I'll. . . We'll be right there. Thank you."

Felicia looked down at the phone after she hung up. I nervously bit my bottom lip as I waited for her to speak.

"Mom?" Sydney said shakily. "Is dad. . . What did they. . ."

Felicia looked up at her daughter with tears in her eyes. "He's okay," she said as a sob escaped her lips. Sydney jumped up and ran to her mom.

"He's okay, baby." Felicia sobbed as she held her daughter. "Daddy's okay."

I smiled as I watched them smile and hold each other. My smile faltered when I thought about Caleb. Felicia quickly looked up at me, a sad expression on her face.

"Maybe you should head home, honey." She said quickly. "They could be trying to call you."

I opened and closed my mouth, unable to form words. I nodded my head instead.

"Caleb's okay," Sydney said gently. "I just know it. If daddy's okay, then he is too."

"You're right, baby." Felicia smiled. "If Mike made it, I know that he made sure Caleb did too. Why don't you come to the hospital with us? We can check there. Together."

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