Chapter 3.

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"Distance means nothing when the person you love means everything".

Elizabeth POV.

I watch Andre drove off while the tears voluntarily rolled down my cheeks.

"Hey, come here".

Jacques said to me and pulled me into a hug.

"It's going to be okay lizzy, I know Andre he'll be here every chance he gets to see you".

"Yeah lizzy, don't be sad we all know he can't stay away from you".

I smiled at both of my friends and wipe my tears away.

"Shall we go inside".

Maria wrapped her arms around my waist and I took once last look behind as we walked back up to the dorm.

"Lets order pizza, I'm starving".

"You are always starving Jay".

Maria said and I smiled.

We arrived back in the dorm and I sat on my bed which will be the last time because I will be moving into Andre's, I mean our apartment tomorrow. I sat there looking into space playing with the ring on my finger when the sound of Maria's voice caused me to snapped back from my chain of thoughts.

"Lizzy, lizzy, lizzy, are you okay?.


"Wow Elizabeth you seriously spaced out. Are you okay?",

"Yes I am".

I gave her a weak smile.

"What kind of pizza should we order?.

"It's okay, I'm not hungry".

"Come on Elizabeth, you can't starve yourself now".

Jacques came and sat beside me.

"You know for a moment I wish I didn't regain my memory jakey. I wouldnt feel so empty inside right now".

I break down into tears once more and he hugged me in his arms.

"Elizabeth, listen to me. Distance means nothing when the person you love means everything okay. And as for as I can see you both means the world to each other, nothing cannot separate either of you".

"He's right ma, you both have the most beautiful bond, an infinite bond. So please don't break down over a silly word call distance".

Maria said when she came and sat next to me.

"Thank you guys".

I hugged both of them.

"So tell me, what happened at his new apartment, he sealed the cookie jar before he left?".

"Oh my God Maria ".

I said with laughter.

"Oh come on don't be shy about it".

"He didn't sealed any cookie jar, he just showed me around our apartment".

"Our apartment?. Wait are you moving out?".

"Unfortunately yes".

"Why though, you dont like it here anymore?".

"It's not her Maria, it's Andre and I agreed with him".

Jacques took us by surprised with his statement.

"What? You knew about the apartment?".

I asked in shocked. Andre did told me that Jacques was there for him but I don't know or would think they have gotten so close.

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