Chapter 2.

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" It hurts not having you close, but it would hurt even more not having you at all".

Andre POV.

I enjoyed every breath of days and moments shared with Elizabeth, but the most breath taking moment was when she remembered me. Looking into those teary blue grey eyes of her that night I left like I was home again. Truth to be told, I felt alone and lost without having her looking at me the way she did before she lost her momery.

All  I felt anger and pain, I should have protected her more from Amber, but none of that  matters now because  she's now serving time and I have my Elizabeth here with me once more.

Leaving her while I basically moved back to New York is the hardest thing I have to do, It hurts not having her close to me, but I know deep down it would hurt even more not having her in my life at all.

The sooner she finish Stanford the sooner she will be with me. If I could let my uncle Edward pull some strings I could get her out of Stanford sooner than she would have expected. But knowing my Elizabeth she would want to stay and finish college with her friends like a regular student.

Besides now that I am the chairman of Sanders Global, after college Elizabeth can join me and we'll run the company together.

"Hey.... why so serious, what are you thinking about?"

The sweet voice I love to hear break me from my thoughts.


"What about me? I am right here".

I took a quick look at her beautiful face and breath taking smile then place my eyes back on the road.

"I'm thinking about our future together".

"We have a bright future ahead of us Andre".

"The brightest there is".

She looked at me and gave me a quick kiss and held on to my free hand while I drive.

"Andre, why are you driving so slow?. Jacques and Maria are way a head of us".

"I know, I just want to spend this time with you right now before I leave back for New York".

"New York".

She sighs.

"Hey cheer up, I will try to visit you as often as I can".

"I just don't get why Mr. Sanderson has to take his retirement now, I wish he would hgave just waited until you you've finished college first".

She sighs again.

"He has his reason Liz, and I agreed to do this".

"I just wanted us to finish college together".

"I promise I'll be there at your graduation".

"Like you'd ever missed My graduation".

I smiled at her respond.

She was right, I wouldn't miss her graduation, I know how important it is for her for me to be there and how happy she'll be.

We almost reached campus but I've decided to stop by my new apartment first and grab my stuff. I've decided to get a bigger apartment , with three bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, a study, and a office where I could do my work whenever I am in town.

"Andre where are we going"?.

"To our new apartment".

"What new apartment?".

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