" I hurt her bad and I didn't know i did"

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Colby's POV 

I had tears falling down my face , i hurt her bad and i didn't know i did , im so blind from everything .. and we need to come back but we cant take Y/N like this to Colorado. i pulled the guys aside as Y/n talked tot he girl i glanced to see if they were okay "okay so are we going to Colorado this week or no?" Jake and Sam gave me the stankiest eyes ever so i took it as a no . we all started to hear yelling and Y/n's heart meter going up so Sam and i pulled the girls away from each other and Jake ran to get a nurse . Y/n's eyes would started to flutter which scared all of us . I ran to Y/n and grabbed her face "oh . no no no , please don't" i feel some ones hand push me back and i get numb. i see the doctors run to her " you need to get out right now sir .." i start to scream no Jake Sam and i all screaming . "NO PLEASE" they do electric shocks on her and just seeing her body come up like that scares me . i get taken to the lobby and all you see is me crying , Jake sobbing worse than ever, I've never seen him cry this hard , i guess she was really important to him.. Sam is crying but it slowed down . the 2 girls left cause they just caused chaos  . we stayed there until a nurse came to us telling us that she got way to angry and the yelling caused her to pass our in a way but they still don't know what happen , it never really happen before to them or anywhere . then we all looked at each other eyes all watery Jake's face RED and my face still meh we get up and go to the bathroom and wash our faces then we leave back home wed all stayed in our apartments and then i get a call from Jake saying "i told Tara to stop talking to me for a while .. i need to be there for Y/n , i have to get a call from the hospital later but can you please just take care of her when she gets out?".. "yes , yes i can" i said feeling tears in my eyes. 

Jake's POV

i end the call with Colby and i laid down waiting for a call . my phone rings and i answer " hello, is this Jake Webber ..." " Yes."

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