20. His Shredded Heart

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Russia walked through the forest, he'd called America's name hundreds of times. He sighed, he didn't know if this was his fault or not.

Russia crossed his arms, it was six in the morning and America had disappeared the day before.

"America.." he croaked, his voice had given way. His eyes lids felt heavy, he would do anything to have at least half an hour of sleep. Or.. finding America. He'd take America over sleep any day, even if it depended on his own health.

Russia slowed down, he heard distant sobbing. He turned around, stepping back a bit. The cries came from behind a tree on the top of a hill, he couldn't see anything past it because of all of the fog. He squinted, beginning to make his way towards the figure.

"..h-hello?" They sobbed, kind of turning to Russia. Russia's heart shattered, this wasn't the America he ever wanted to see. They turned away, burying their head in their arms. "Oh, fuck off-"

Russia dropped down to America and kissed him immediately, holding him close.

"Ever since you left I've been looking for you." Russia whispered, pulling the broken America into a hug. "If you're ever lost, I will always look for you. And, I know that I'll find you. Because you're the beacon in my world lighting up my way."

America didn't stop crying, instead he got louder and clutched onto Russia's back. He held on like he was never going to let go.

"I thought I t-told you to go a-away.." America said through sniffles, his breathing uneven. He kept holding onto Russia, Russia laughed a bit.

"Well, should I take you with me?" Russia asked, America hesitantly nodded. Russia picked him up, grinning. "You just contradicted yourself." Russia pointed out, America laughed a bit. America wrapped his arms around Russia's neck, keeping himself from falling down.

They looked into eachothers eyes, Russia hated the grief that was embedded in America's.

"What've you been doing this whole time?" Russia asked, raising an eyebrow. America looked down, he was tempted to lie, but right now he was vulnerable. He didn't need Russia telling him to tell the truth.

"I d-dunno.. just been walking a-around the forest lately.. nothings been going th-through my head..." America stuttered, Russia sighed. Russia was silent for a minute before saying anything.

"It was something to do with this Anon guy, isn't it?" Russia came to a conclusion. America exhaled, rolling his head a bit. Then he nodded. "If he said he'll meet you again, you will meet. Maybe just not here."

"Yeah.." America trailed off. They walked in silence for a long while before finally coming home, Russia stopped walking and looked down to America who was in his arms.

How did he know about Anon saying that? Did he read the letter? Shit.

"You ready for your family?" Russia asked, America nodded straight away. He closed his eyes, tugging on Russia's shirt to be let down. Russia did so, they strolled towards the door, Russia knocked.

The door was immediately answered by UK, his worried face causing dread to fill America. He hugged his son tightly, speechless.

"You will go upstairs to your mother right now." UK said, America nodded and walked past him. From behind America's back, he could hear UK speak. "I'm glad you're home."

America began to walk faster, over that time he began to miss his mother. He got homesick. Once he'd arrived outside of his parents' room, he knocked on the door and opened it. France lay there in bed, her back facing towards America.

"Mom..?" ((I decided with just mom, deal with it)) America asked, walking closer to the bed. France rolled over a bit, her eyes widened when she saw America. She leapt up and hugged America with the tightest hug she could, America embraced her just as much.

"You're scaring me too much.. so many times in the past two weeks, America." France sniffed, she was a bit shorter than America.

"I.. sorry, mom. I love you." America whispered, he was torn up inside. He'd messed up big time. And he'd never forgive himself for it-

"America?" France began, slightly pulling away from him. America tilted his head slightly, also pulling away.
"We.. our family need to talk."

America's heart was already in pieces, and those pieces just dropped. This was something about him, he knew it.

"When?" America trembled, France looked into his eyes.

"As soon as we possibly could.. when.. we could get the whole family together."


America looked around, his whole family was there; UK, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.. and, for some reason, EU. America's heart was racing, he'd never seen EU in person, he only ever heard of him.

Russia went home, although America objected. Except this was a family matter, he knew he couldn't change that.

"We.. we have to tell everyone something. EU is well aware of this, and he has, let's just say, he's accepted what we would like." UK began, America could see EU nodding in the corner of his eye, his hands behind his back.

It was silent, France and UK looked nervous.

"So, Russia was talking to me and your father about your problems America, and you know we'd do anything to help you through something." France began, she shuffled closer to UK and looked to the floor. "Apparently you said something about not being able to trust any of your family with keeping any secrets.. so uhm.." France looked to UK for guidence.

America's heart felt as though it was going to leap out of his chest at any second, he was anxious to hear what his parents were going to say. It was silent for a prolonged time, Canada looked like he was into this as much as America was. Australia didn't understand what was going on.

"What France is trying to tell you all is.." UK started, standing up, France followed after him. She looked like she was.. shaking.. and America honestly felt worried now.

"That.. we know that we wouldn't have ever thought about this but..

"We're adopting someone.. to hopefully help with America issues. We're looking at someone a year younger than America, his name is England." UK spat out. America's eyes widened, he was thoughtless.

He was going to have another family member. He knew this was going to put stress on his parents.. and he couldn't get those thoughts from his mind..

This is your fault.


Yes, England as in this one;

Yes, England as in this one;

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Not UK. England - just oughta make that clear so that nobody thinks UK was cloned or anything-

Fucc I gotta go to bed it's ten thirty right now--


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