4. The Argument

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America walked in, tickling the tiny New Zealand on the belly a little bit, making her giggle, afterwards lugging himself on the sofa.

"How was your day?" Asked France, walking into the lounge and offering America many tiny pastries.

"Yeah, it was fine. A few things happened, but just not many interesting things." -America paused- "Yeah, no. Not many interesting things, really. How was your day?"

France sighed as America took a pastry, soon sitting down beside him. She looked at him, like she was worn out.

"Ugh, boring, baby, UK." She summed it in three words. America understood completely; she was just taking care of New Zealand for the day and sometimes helping out UK with his work. America wouldn't like to do that, either.

"Aw, poor you. When will Australia start going to school?" America questioned, UK walking in.

"We think he should start to go next year. He needs to learn manners before we send him off." France said, UK silently walking up to her and kissing her on the cheek. She giggled, UK sitting on the sofa and France snuggling up to him.

"It has been a hard day, hasn't it, love?" UK said in his very British accent. She nodded as an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to UK.

America smiled, glad he had parents who were so close together. He was glad he even had both of his parents.

"Welp, I'm gonna go upstairs. I'll check on Canada while I'm up there." America said, UK nodding.

"Check on Charlie too, will you?" He asked, pointing to the cat food.

"Will do." America said in response. He jogged over to the kitchen, snatching the bag of cat food from the counter.

He then ran upstairs, opening the door to Canada's room. Canada sat on his bed, a dark grey cat sitting on his lap.

"Oh, thanks, dude." Canada said while taking the food from America. America noticed his big brother was talking to someone, someone who was of great importance because they had heart emojis next to their name.

"Who ya' talking to?" He asked, a trolly face meeting an embarrassed one.

"Nobody." Canada said, immediately clicking out of the contact and turning his phone off. He gave a hand full of food to their cat Charlie, the cat scoffing it down.

"Doesn't look like nobody." America retorted, leaning an arm on his big brother's shoulder.

"You can't say anything! Remember your old boyfriend?" Canada scoffed, America feeling hurt. He left the room, hearing Canada call his name behind him.

I thought I said I never wanted to think about him again.. Thought America, opening his phone as he walked into his own room.

He opened contacts, scrolling down.

"wHAT?!" Screamed America, noticing a contact he never remembered adding.

"Oh my god, you basterd. How'd you even.." America was stunned, clicking on the contact as he laid back in his bed.

That contact was Russia.

>Pulling off some fucking magic now, are ya?

America sent, Russia showing online.


>Holy crap, man how

I have my ways ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)<

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