10. Three More

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((I'm skipping straight to chapter 10; the 1K special kinda acted like a chapter 9.. anyway, enjoy!))

America was confused, Anon had a girlfriend? Maybe not, he was 15 and America knew he didn't give a shit about serious relationships.

"America, I need to tell you something.." Anon said sadly, standing up. America ran up to him, around a meter away from him.

"How are they related to you?" America asked shakily before Anon could speak.

Damn it, he thinks that my sister is probably my girlfriend and my baby brother and sister... well... Anon thought, his heart sinking into his stomach.

"How. Are. They. Related. To. You?" America repeated, shakier than last time. Anon snapped out of his thought process, knowing he'd have to tell America about why they were there.

"This is my sister, my baby sister, and my baby brother." Anon said. America suddenly pulled Anon into a hug, muttering something.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it yesterday." America had tears in his eyes, Anon very worried about him. If America was this emotional.. what exactly happened while he was away?

"It's fine, you can help us now." Anon said, slowly tearing apart from the hug. America looked confused, Anon looking back to his siblings, alerting them that he was going to tell America what happened.

"In a nutshell, dad was beating up my sister, I saved her and our baby brother and sister, ran away, and we stayed here for the day. Night, whatever." America gAsped ((attention gasp audience)), taking a better look at Anon's siblings.

"I'm not telling you their names." Anon said before America could say it. America smiled, pointing to Anon's older sister.

"Imma call you Nameless!" America exclaimed, a smile on his face. Anon's sister was surprised, Anon was right about him naming her. Then, an idea hit her.

"So, what, are you two like... together?" 'Nameless' asked, the two slightly blushing. They looked to eachother, and shrugged.

"We actually don't know." America said, laughing. Anon joined in too, Nameless picking up her smol brother. America tilted his head, pointing to the child in Nameless's arms. "I didn't know you had a family this large?" He stated, moving on from the last subject they talked about like it was nothing.

"America? We need your help.." Anon started, America turning to Anon with a confused face. "We.. we all ran away from home, our father abuses us.. I told you that already, but we finally left.." America's eyes widened, his heart sinking into his stomach. 

"You're... you're joking, right?" America stuttered, Anon shaking his head. "You can't live out here.." America paused, silence surrounding them. "I've got it! Follow me!" America suddenly exclaimed, Anon and Nameless picking up their siblings. 

They followed America out of the forest, until they came to see his house in the distance. They all stopped, America pointing to the empty hills behind his house. It was his yard, apparently. They walked into the fields, a small group of trees a few hundred meters away. What caught Anon's interest, though, was the tree houses built into the trees.

Once everyone were beside the group of trees, Anon really admired what had been built there. It was a circle of trees, all oh which had tree houses in them. There was a bridge connecting all of them, a ladder climbing up each tree. Nameless was grateful, Anon surprised someone would do something like this for him.

"Watch this!" America shouted excitedly, pressing a button on a battery pack and hundreds of small fairy lights on the trees beginning to glow.

"Wow.. thank you so much, America.." Anon whispered, walking up to the nearest tree house and climbing the ladder up to it, careful not to drop his baby brother.

"No problemo, I never use this place anymore.. our family don't, anyway. We built this years ago, the last time we used this place was a few months back. So, yeah, hopefully you'll feel better here than you other home!" America said, turning to Nameless. America so desperately wanted to know who Anon and Nameless were, the only colour he could only VAGUELY see on Anon's face was red. A whole lotta red.

Still not giving it away, huh, Crazed?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Nope.

With that aside, America only just remembered he was wearing a backpack, which had tons of food inside originally for only him and Anon, instead now for Anon's family. (Look, don't question why I decided to add that, it's a fan fiction. Fan fictions make no lOgic.)

The evening went fast, America helping Anon's family settle in. He handed them over the food, which could possibly be enough to feed them all for at least a few days. 

Once America got home, he decided to not remind anyone about his backpack. He left it with Anon. Oh well.

Except... it wouldn't make a difference.

He walked in through the front door, seeing France on her knees on the floor, UK, Canada and Australia comforting her, New Zealand being held by France.

"What happened?!" America cried, instinctively running over to his mother.

"America, 2019 is a bad year for us.." UK said quietly, America patting his mother on her back. "First, you know how.. you know what happened to New Zealand? The shootings?" (Trying not to be rude to all people who live in NZ, I live there too.. ;v;) America nodded, dread filling his heart.

"Now.. something devastating happened to your mother. I'll tell you soon." UK finished, leaving America in confusion. 

It pained America to see his mother like this, his mother who raised him, who loved him, who stood up for him, the angel he looked up to, the person who was in tears. America felt like crying too, he couldn't stand seeing anybody like this.

"America, follow me." UK finally said after a few minutes, leading America out of the room. They stood in the darkness of the hallway, UK sighing, mustering up the courage to tell his son.

"Lots of your mothers cathedral, Notre Dame, burnt down."

Hey everyone, I AM NOT DEAD (YET). Just needed to say that.

I am so sorry to everyone who lives in France, Notre Dame burning down was a tragedy for everyone. And, I know I'm a bit late, but while I'm talking about these things, I'm so sorry to everyone in New Zealand too, the March 15 shootings scared us all. I live in NZ too, I am a proud Kiwi and sending my love to everyone affected. 

I hope you do too.

Well, I'll try posting more often, love from me!


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